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Residents' Assembly

AWARE POST IMAGES - Auroville's Evolving Challenges are a Call for Response, Remedy & Renewal

Auroville’s Evolving Challenges are a Call for Response, Remedy & Renewal

  • 8 min read
Auroville's evolving challenges demand urgent response, remedy, and renewal. Long-standing issues of trust, transparency, and inclusivity have eroded the foundation of its collective governance. To realign with its founding ideals, Auroville must embrace meaningful reforms, ensuring that participation, integrity, and unity guide its path forward.
AWARE POST IMAGES In Support of the Hindu's article on Auroville

In Support of the Hindu’s article on Auroville

  • 3 min read
In support of The Hindu's recent article on the Auroville Governing Board's visit, Lakshay Dharan expresses appreciation for the balanced coverage of vital reforms aimed at aligning Auroville’s development with its founding vision. He highlights the importance of overcoming stagnation caused by select groups resisting progress and emphasizes the need...

Auroville’s Path in the Light of Bharat

  • 4 min read
As Auroville grapples with the introduction of Central Government regulations, a call echoes for residents to delve into the legal framework—Auroville Foundation Act, 1988, and Rules, 1997. Challenges to regulations need a court, not local bodies. Knee-jerk dissent via emergency RAD lacks legal standing, risking residents' eligibility. Activism is cautioned;...

Fear with no Foundation: Recent RAD

  • 3 min read
In Auroville, where unity, diversity, and harmony are celebrated, recent events have raised questions about the limits of freedom of expression. The fear that motivated the Residents Assembly, RAD, to pass a resolution was indeed unusual, with only two similar instances in the community's history. However, both of these cases...
AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Organisation-Residents' Assembly-Featured-The Heart of Decision-Making, Residents' Assembly in Auroville

The Heart of Decision-Making: Residents’ Assembly in Auroville

  • 6 min read
At the heart of Auroville's unique approach to governance lies the Residents' Assembly, a dynamic body that shapes policies, fosters community dialogue, and embodies the spirit of participatory decision-making. In this article, we explore the significance of the Residents' Assembly in Auroville and how it plays a pivotal role in...
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