Auroville Festival
About Auroville Festival 2023
This year, the theme of the Auroville Festival is ‘Sincerity’. Her qualities are an apt reminder, as to why we are here. We shall use the occasion of the festival to look at various aspects of Auroville through the lens of ‘Sincerity’. The Auroville Festival is observed for eight days, from the 21st to the 28th of February, and we are planning to dedicate two days each to Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati.
Every year, during February, we traditionally, informally celebrate the Auroville week, from Mother’s birthday on the 21st to Auroville’s birthday on the 28th. Since last year, we’ve given the Auroville week a consolidated form with a dedicated team to organize the events around it as the ‘Auroville Festival’. In 2022, the theme was ‘Unity’ and we explored topics such as unity in community, unity with the neighboring villages, manifesting City for Unity, along with the announcement of Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary year.
We’ve further defined the eight days of the Auroville Festival, inspired by the four central petals of Mother’s symbol – Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The first four days shall focus on the four powers of the Universal Mother – Wisdom, Strength, Harmony, & Perfection. And, the remaining four days on four attributes we need to develop in ourselves, echoing her Grace – Knowledge, Power, Generosity, & Service.
Each day, we shall begin with some calming and centering activities for concentration, and then move on to physical activities, where body is activated and energized. Further, there shall be activities and workshops, that touch the participants and attendees’ biological functions in a positive manner. After lunch, some discussions and talks have been planned to cater to the cerebral needs, wherein, we shall dive into the details of the possible common actions. A dedicated discussion series have been planned around the City, to honor the inner circle of the Auroville symbol. Finally, each evenings shall end with some lively cultural activities.
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