Fear with no Foundation: Recent RAD

In Auroville, where unity, diversity, and harmony are celebrated, recent events have raised questions about the limits of freedom of expression. The fear that motivated the Residents Assembly, RAD, to pass a resolution was indeed unusual, with only two similar instances in the community’s history. However, both of these cases involved actions taken outside of Auroville, and they were far from arbitrary acts.

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Embracing Collective Life: Auroville’s Model of Living

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Peace-Collective Life-Featured-Embracing Collective Life, Auroville's Model of Living

At the heart of Auroville beats the rhythm of collective life. This article explores the unique dynamics of living in Auroville, where unity and collaboration are not just ideals but a way of existence. It delves into the essence of Auroville’s model of collective living, where residents come together to create a harmonious and conscious community.

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The Role of Auroville’s Enterprises in Skill Development and Employment Generation

Auroville, the international township in South India, has established a thriving ecosystem of enterprises that not only promote sustainability but also play a significant role in skill development and employment generation. This article explores how Auroville’s businesses provide opportunities for personal growth, skill enhancement, and meaningful employment, contributing to the holistic development of the community.

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Auroville’s Handmade and Artisanal Products: Supporting Local Production

Auroville, the international township in South India, is a haven for handmade and artisanal products. This article explores how Auroville supports local production, nurturing a thriving community of artisans and craftspeople. It emphasizes the principles of sustainability, unity, and conscious living that underlie the production of these exquisite, locally-made goods.

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The Journey Towards Abundance: Success Stories of ‘Pour Tous’

Auroville, the international township in South India, is celebrating the success stories of ‘Pour Tous’ – ‘For All.’ This article explores how ‘Pour Tous’ has transformed lives and fostered abundance within the community, highlighting stories of individuals and initiatives that exemplify the principles of equality, sustainability, and shared prosperity.

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Auroville’s Concept of ‘No Money’ and ‘Pour Tous’ Initiatives

Auroville, the international township in South India, redefines the conventional notions of money and wealth. This article explores the innovative concept of ‘No Money’ and the ‘Pour Tous’ initiatives, highlighting how they are reshaping the economic and social landscape of Auroville, fostering equality, sustainability, and a shared vision for a harmonious community.

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Auroville’s Residents’ Assembly Meetings: Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Successes

The Residents’ Assembly meetings in Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, are vibrant forums for democratic decision-making, but they are not without their challenges. These gatherings are a testament to Auroville’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we delve into the dynamic world of the Residents’ Assembly meetings, exploring the challenges they face and the successes they achieve, highlighting the resilience of this unique decision-making body.

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Auroville’s Community Concentrations: Uniting for Peaceful Contemplation

Discover how Auroville’s unique community concentrations foster an environment of peaceful contemplation, bringing together diverse individuals in pursuit of harmony, spiritual growth, and a shared vision for a more sustainable and conscious world. Explore the transformative power of collective intention and the role it plays in shaping Auroville’s vibrant community life.

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