The following was approved by RA Meeting of December 20, 2004:
The mandate of the Working Committee is to assist the Residents’ Assembly in discharging its functions under the Auroville Foundation Act as follows:
- Represent the Residents’ Assembly in interactions with Governing Board, International Advisory Council and the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation (in collaboration with relevant working groups).
- Call meetings of the Residents Assembly whenever a decision or policy needs to be ratified by a meeting of the Residents’ Assembly and maintain minutes and resolutions of such meetings.
- Submit regular activity reports to the Residents Assembly
- Maintain public relations with state and central Government at all levels
- Oversee VIP reception
- Recommend Visas, in collaboration with Residents’ Service
- Recommend Land purchases, in collaboration with LEM
- Coordinate relations between Auroville and local villages, in collaboration with all panchayats and village leaders and relevant working groups
- Recommend appointment of executives & trustees, in collaboration with FAMC
- Recommend constitution of new units and trusts, in collaboration with FAMC
- Finalizing of accounts and signing of Balance Sheets of AVF, in collaboration with Accounts Coordination Group and FAMC
- Supervise Income Tax Exemptions for Auroville in collaboration with FAMC
- Facilitate Police Liaison, in collaboration with STF
- Finalize Annual Reports, in collaboration with all Working Groups
- Prepare meetings of the Governing Board and International Advisory Council, in collaboration with Residents Assembly
- Notify the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation of major decisions and policies of the Residents’ Assembly