Auroville’s Evolving Challenges are a Call for Response, Remedy & Renewal

AWARE POST IMAGES - Auroville's Evolving Challenges are a Call for Response, Remedy & Renewal

Auroville’s evolving challenges demand urgent response, remedy, and renewal. Long-standing issues of trust, transparency, and inclusivity have eroded the foundation of its collective governance. To realign with its founding ideals, Auroville must embrace meaningful reforms, ensuring that participation, integrity, and unity guide its path forward.

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Admission and Termination (of Persons in the RoR) Regulations

The Auroville Foundation has issued new regulations for the admission and termination of individuals in the Register of Residents. These guidelines include procedures for volunteers, newcomers, and residents, as well as the formation of committees for scrutiny and appeals. The regulations emphasize adherence to the Auroville Charter and specific admission criteria.

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Fear with no Foundation: Recent RAD

In Auroville, where unity, diversity, and harmony are celebrated, recent events have raised questions about the limits of freedom of expression. The fear that motivated the Residents Assembly, RAD, to pass a resolution was indeed unusual, with only two similar instances in the community’s history. However, both of these cases involved actions taken outside of Auroville, and they were far from arbitrary acts.

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Resource Mobilization for a Sustainable Auroville: Challenges and Solutions

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Economy-Resource Mobilisation-Featured-Resource Mobilization for a Sustainable Auroville,Challenges and Solutions

Auroville, the international township nestled in Tamil Nadu, faces unique challenges in resource mobilization for its sustainable development. In this article, we explore the hurdles and innovative solutions that drive the community’s efforts to secure the resources needed for its vision of conscious living.

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