Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, is a living testament to the power of participatory organization and community building. Central to its unique governance model is the Residents’ Assembly, a dynamic body that embodies Auroville’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we explore the pivotal role of the Residents’ Assembly in shaping Auroville’s present and future, highlighting its significance as a model for participatory organization and collaborative decision-making.
Continue readingThe Residents’ Assembly: Auroville’s Internal Decision-Making Body
Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, stands as a living embodiment of unity, sustainability, and conscious living. Central to its unique governance model is the Residents’ Assembly, an internal decision-making body that symbolizes the community’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we delve into the central role of the Residents’ Assembly in shaping Auroville’s present and future, and the valuable lessons it holds for democratic processes and community building worldwide.
Continue readingCollaboration in Action: How Working Groups Shape Auroville’s Projects
Auroville, the internationally renowned experimental township in South India, thrives on collaboration and collective action. This article delves into the pivotal role of working groups in shaping Auroville’s projects, illuminating how shared visions and teamwork lay the foundation for a harmonious and sustainable future.
Continue readingCommunity Engagement in Building Galaxy City: Auroville’s Collective Effort
Auroville’s journey towards building Galaxy City is not just about bricks and mortar but the power of collective effort. This article delves into the heart of the community’s active participation, demonstrating how the Auroville spirit of unity and collaboration is shaping the blueprint for Galaxy City’s development.
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