Auroville’s Residents’ Assembly Meetings: Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Successes

The Residents’ Assembly meetings in Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, are vibrant forums for democratic decision-making, but they are not without their challenges. These gatherings are a testament to Auroville’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we delve into the dynamic world of the Residents’ Assembly meetings, exploring the challenges they face and the successes they achieve, highlighting the resilience of this unique decision-making body.

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Participatory Organisation in Auroville: The Role of the Residents’ Assembly

Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, is a living testament to the power of participatory organization and community building. Central to its unique governance model is the Residents’ Assembly, a dynamic body that embodies Auroville’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we explore the pivotal role of the Residents’ Assembly in shaping Auroville’s present and future, highlighting its significance as a model for participatory organization and collaborative decision-making.

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The Residents’ Assembly: Auroville’s Internal Decision-Making Body

Auroville, the renowned international experimental township in South India, stands as a living embodiment of unity, sustainability, and conscious living. Central to its unique governance model is the Residents’ Assembly, an internal decision-making body that symbolizes the community’s commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and shared governance. In this article, we delve into the central role of the Residents’ Assembly in shaping Auroville’s present and future, and the valuable lessons it holds for democratic processes and community building worldwide.

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Time for invitation

Surely most of us have noticed the action of the new consciousness that is emerging, how it is getting more and more accelerated, and how some great changes are becoming not only necessary but unavoidable: changes on Societies, changes on the way we see spirituality, changes on the Environment, changes on ourselves. And all along there is a radical and effective revaluation of ideas and things.

One clear sign of such changes is that in more recent times the perception of an oneness underlying the whole humanity is no more foreign to the human psyche, and in spite of the difficulty in manifesting it on a material level, this truth is taking roots on a growing number of individuals and organizations all around the planet.

The apparently strong opposition, seen everywhere, can not deter the Force pushing towards a more concrete realization, because the ideal of human unity surely contains in itself its own power, and this power is awakening everywhere, bringing with it new possibilities of realization, both at individual and at collective levels.

The project of Auroville, even if it is still under construction and far from being complete, has been a living and inspiring example of efforts towards this ideal. Now, we do think that the time is ripe to invite people from different places to know more about it and to find new ways of participating in the Auroville experiment. To join in our forces, aspirations and dreams.

Maybe this will help us, the residents of Auroville, to enlarge ourselves and to look at the world with new eyes. Maybe a sense of a golden thread, invisible and yet tangible, will permeate the new contacts, the new relationships that will be created, and will grow and spread…. Maybe we will learn to dream together, and make Mother`s dream our collective dream, and be able to believe in our dreams. And maybe one day, the big dream of being one and universal, will become true. And this will only be the beginning of a far greater adventure…

Why Zero Tolerance for Corruption is Essential for Upholding Auroville’s Vision

Auroville is a unique and diverse community that is committed to creating a society based on the principles of human unity, spiritual growth, and sustainable living. As an intentional community, Auroville has always been committed to creating a space free from the traditional constraints of nationality, politics, religion, and economics. In order to uphold its vision and maintain its integrity, zero tolerance for corruption is essential in Auroville.

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Community Voices: Perspectives on the Impact of Converting Auroville and How We Can Protect Its Future

Auroville, a unique experimental township in India, was founded with a vision of promoting sustainable living, human unity, cultural diversity, and spiritual growth. However, in recent times, there have been concerns about the potential impact of converting Auroville into something it was not intended to be. This has led to many discussions and debates within the community and beyond, with different voices offering their perspectives on the issue.

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Taking Responsibility in Auroville: Uncroaching Positions and Rights

Auroville is a unique community that emphasizes collective decision-making, shared resources, and mutual respect for each other’s rights. However, the community has faced challenges in recent years as some individuals have encroached upon Auroville’s assets, including positions and rights that were intended to be shared. This has led to a sense of inequality and resentment among some members of the community.

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Critique of Auroville’s Citizens’ Assembly

In my humble opinion, Auroville is not a democracy project, and it does not have ‘Citizens’. Somehow, I think, democracies are about dumbing it down, flattening it out. Look at our political leaders. Auroville is a dream of elevation, evolution, and embodiment. I do feel the need in Auroville for Extraordinary participation, Educated deliberations, & Equal opportunities. Perhaps, we already have enough groups and assemblies. Our job is to better the existing bodies, instead of boycotting and participating selectively.

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Absurdities in Auroville RADs


I’m no expert on political democracies, electoral methodologies, or psephology. I am merely pointing out as a layman, the glaring gaps in the ongoing RAD. I understand that we need some systems to organise ourselves, and the voting system is a stepping stone. I am only trying to point out the blatant absurdities inherent in the ongoing process. The ongoing RAD is flawed at multiple levels and I’ve thus publicly posted my statement, announcing my abstination.

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Let’s move on

Now that there is sufficient evidence and testimony of eyewitnesses that there was a concerted and planned conspiracy of a few people to block the master plan of the Auroville Township, now that the obstructions placed by the small group of people have been removed I believe the root cause of the cancerous division within Auroville is now no longer there and therefore as I see it –ITS TIME TO MOVE ON.

It’s time to move on from the self-destructive course that we find ourselves in. It’s time to move on from the division that we find ourselves in between those who support the work of the secretary and those who find in her a challenge to their own authority and power play.

It’s time to stop vilifying Auroville in the social media and with all well-wishers of Auroville. It hurts nobody except ourselves, it hurts the goodwill which is very necessary to the existence  of Auroville.

It’s time to realize that  while we may have many different ideas on any topic, and that such diversity of ideas can be encouraged, but when it comes to action there can be only one action .

It is time to understand that if we have differences of opinion on which course of action to follow then such differences can be resolved as things stand under the provisions of the Auroville Foundation Act which empowers  the governing board to have a final say. The GB have made it amply clear that they want to implement the master plan in collaboration with the Aurovilians. Let us not treat the governing board as a foreign entity but rather as a support system created by the government for Auroville. To try to exert our own power as superior to the power of the governing board is to engage in a wrong and losing battle. It seems to me that such a battle serves only the power instincts of our local politicians.

It is time for our politicians to see the change of wind, to see that the Mother wants a shift of gear in the course of the development of Auroville and to learn to change with changing times. It is time for our politicians to acknowledge the power of the MOTHER.

The 2 politicians engaged in fighting with the secretary were also in the forefront of the fight with the SAS. They have experience of what such fighting entails. Even at that time they have seen many Aurovilians leave Auroville. They have seen children of Auroville being traumatised. They have seen Aurovilians being barred from entering one place or another on account of their allegiances to a particular group. The symptoms of similar actions are showing up again in Auroville. It is important and vital for us to stop this course of action. I appeal to our politicians to review the course of confrontation taken by them and change.