Inclusive Employment Practices in Auroville’s Enterprises: Celebrating Diversity

Auroville, the international township in South India, is a shining example of how inclusive employment practices can not only foster diversity but also drive innovation and community cohesion. This article explores how Auroville’s businesses prioritize inclusivity, providing opportunities for individuals of diverse backgrounds and abilities, and how this approach is contributing to a vibrant, united, and innovative community.

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Pour Tous: Auroville’s Vision for Equitable Access to Resources and Opportunities

Auroville, the international township in South India, embodies the aspiration for a world where resources and opportunities are available to all. This article explores Auroville’s visionary concept of “Pour Tous” and its relentless pursuit of equitable access to resources, education, and opportunities, fostering a sense of unity and social harmony within the community.

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