The Path of Integral Yoga: Auroville’s Spiritual Journey

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Peace-Integral Yoga-Featured-The Path of Integral Yoga, Auroville's Spiritual Journey

In the heart of Auroville, a unique and vibrant community, the practice of Integral Yoga is not just a philosophy but a way of life. This article explores the transformative journey of Auroville residents through Integral Yoga, shedding light on how this spiritual path shapes their daily routines, personal growth, and the essence of Auroville itself.

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Auroville: The Quest for Human Unity

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Peace-Human Unity-Featured-Auroville, The Quest for Human Unity

In the heart of Auroville beats the pulse of an extraordinary dream – the dream of human unity. Sri Aurobindo’s vision of a world where divisions dissolve and unity prevails finds its living embodiment in Auroville. This article embarks on a journey to explore the concept of human unity as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and how it becomes a vibrant reality within the unique international community of Auroville.

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The Matrimandir’s Role in Nurturing the Collective Consciousness of Auroville

Explore how the Matrimandir, the spiritual centerpiece of Auroville, plays a pivotal role in nurturing and elevating the collective consciousness of the community. Discover its significance as a symbol, meditation space, and a source of inspiration for Aurovilians in their quest for a more conscious and harmonious way of life.

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