“IS THIS THE END?” A theatrical, chorographical, musical performance inspired by a poem by Sri Aurobindo, called: “IS THIS THE END?”. Facing a world in crisis and deep transition, our characters on stage express the physical urgency of a new breathe, new link to Nature and Vastness.

“Is this the end?”
Is this the end of all that we have been,
And all we did or dreamed,–
A name unremembered and a form undone,–
Is this the end?
A body rotting under a slab of stone
Or turned to ash in fire,
A mind dissolved, lost its forgotten thoughts,–
Is this the end?
Our little hours that were and are no more,
Our passions once so high
Being mocked by the still earth and calm sunshine,–
Is this the end?
Our yearnings for the human Godward climb
Passing to other hearts
Deceived, while smiles towards death and hell the world,–
Is this the end?
Fallen is the harp; shattered it lies and mute;
Is the unseen player dead?
Because the tree is felled where the bird sang,
Must the song too hush?
One in the mind who planned and willed and thought,
Worked to reshape earth’s fate,
One in the heart who loved and yearned and hoped,
Does he too end?
The Immortal in the mortal is his Name;
An artist Godhead here
Ever remoulds himself in diviner shapes,
Unwilling to cease
Till all is done for which the stars were made,
Till the heart discovers God
And the soul knows itself. And even then
There is no end.
– Sri Aurobindo
Forty years of Dance, Theatre & Music based on body memories for decolonization of mind, body and imagination 42 creations in 82 countries. In the opera of Paris, international festivals in South Africa, Hong Kong, Brazil and many others as Theatre Talipot Reunion Island France in Indian Ocean.
Now as Surya Performance Lab in Auroville, South India. We are creating a new show for 150th Sri Aurobindo birthday.
It’s a theatrical, choreographical, musical performance inspired by a poem by Sri Aurobindo, called: “IS THIS THE END?”
Facing a world in crisis and deep transition, our characters on stage express the physical urgency of a new breathe, new link to Nature and Vastness.
We absolutely need your support to create this show. Much more than supporters or donors, Surya performance lab wishes to consider you as partners.
In collaboration with AVI-USA, we invite you to a unique artistic online live performance from Sri Aurobindo auditorium, Auroville, India on Saturday 25th of September.
Please register now:https://aviusa.org/surya
You also can now donate directly on our FS account : 252160.
After donation, write to us and we will send the link for the event
Surya performance lab artists will perform for you in live an extract of our new show: “IS THIS THE END?”
We will answer to your questions.
This fundraising event aim is to support the creation of a new kind of transformative performance.
On the Saturday 25th of September
9pm – New Delhi
5.30pm – Paris/ Berlin
4.30pm – London
11.30am – New York
8.30am – Los Angeles
5.30pm – Johannesburg
Video presentation of the event:https://youtu.be/6VHDO2W5V2w
Please register now:https://aviusa.org/surya
Surya Performance Lab Website: https://www.surya-performance-lab.com/