The Auroville Foundation: Preserving Auroville’s Legacy and Vision

Auroville, the international township situated amidst the serene landscapes of South India, is a testament to human unity, sustainability, and collective living. Founded by the Mother and inspired by Sri Aurobindo, Auroville has evolved over the years into a thriving community that embodies these ideals. At the core of preserving Auroville’s legacy and vision is the Auroville Foundation. In this article, we explore the foundation’s role, functions, and significance in ensuring the continuity and growth of Auroville.

The Auroville Foundation: A Guardian of the Vision:

The Auroville Foundation was established by the Government of India under the Auroville (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1980. Its primary purpose is to oversee and support Auroville in various capacities, ensuring that the ideals and principles on which Auroville was founded are upheld and promoted.

1. Legal Custodian of Auroville:

The Auroville Foundation holds the legal custodianship of Auroville, acting as the entity responsible for managing and overseeing the township. This role is pivotal in safeguarding Auroville’s land, assets, and properties, preventing any unauthorized or detrimental activities that might undermine the community’s values and vision.

2. Financial Oversight and Support:

The foundation provides financial oversight and support to Auroville, allocating resources and funds to different projects and initiatives. This financial assistance is crucial in the development of infrastructure, educational programs, environmental projects, and the maintenance of public facilities.

3. Legal Framework and Regulations:

One of the key functions of the foundation is to establish and enforce a legal framework and regulations that guide Auroville’s activities. These rules help maintain order within the community, ensuring that residents and institutions adhere to the principles and values of Auroville.

Sustaining Auroville’s Unique Ideals:

Auroville is not just a place; it is a living embodiment of ideals like human unity, sustainability, and spiritual growth. The Auroville Foundation plays an integral role in preserving and sustaining these unique ideals.

1. Conservation of Land and Environment:

Auroville’s commitment to environmental sustainability is a hallmark of its legacy. The foundation actively supports and promotes projects related to reforestation, waste management, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly practices. This focus on conservation is vital in maintaining Auroville’s harmonious coexistence with the environment.

2. Holistic Education and Youth Empowerment:

Auroville places a strong emphasis on holistic education and youth empowerment. The foundation collaborates with Auroville-based educational institutions and initiatives, ensuring that they align with the community’s vision. This support for education nurtures future generations who can carry forward Auroville’s legacy.

3. Cultural Exchange and Celebration:

The foundation recognizes the importance of cultural diversity within Auroville. It actively encourages cultural exchange and celebrates the richness of traditions from around the world. By doing so, the foundation contributes to the community’s legacy of promoting unity in diversity.

Challenges and Collaborations:

The Auroville Foundation faces its share of challenges in its mission to preserve Auroville’s legacy and vision. Maintaining a balance between regulatory authority and community autonomy is an ongoing challenge. The foundation collaborates with Auroville’s Residents’ Assembly, institutions, and residents to navigate these challenges and find solutions that honor the township’s core principles.

Future Prospects and Growth:

As Auroville continues to evolve, the Auroville Foundation remains committed to supporting the community’s growth and development. It recognizes the need to adapt to changing circumstances while staying true to Auroville’s founding ideals.

1. Sustainable Practices:

The foundation will continue to emphasize sustainability, encouraging projects that align with Auroville’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Sustainable living, renewable energy, and ecological consciousness will be at the forefront of Auroville’s future.

2. Education and Youth Empowerment:

Supporting holistic education and youth empowerment will remain a priority. Nurturing the intellectual and spiritual growth of young residents is seen as an investment in Auroville’s enduring legacy.

3. Cultural Exchange and Unity:

The foundation will further promote cultural exchange and celebrate the diversity within Auroville. It recognizes that unity in diversity is not just a founding principle but a continuing aspiration.


The Auroville Foundation is a guardian of Auroville’s legacy and vision. Its multifaceted role encompasses legal custodianship, financial support, the establishment of regulatory frameworks, and a commitment to sustaining Auroville’s ideals. As the community continues its journey towards human unity and sustainability, the foundation remains a steadfast partner in preserving and promoting the unique values of Auroville.

In Auroville’s ongoing quest to embody peace, unity, and spiritual growth, the Auroville Foundation is a pivotal force that ensures the community remains a living testament to these ideals. It plays a crucial role in sustaining Auroville’s legacy, enabling it to inspire and serve as a model for a harmonious, sustainable, and spiritually awakened way of life.

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