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Youth Engagement Program

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

Auroville recognizes the profound potential of the youth in bringing about positive change in the world. The Youth Engagement Program is rooted in the belief that young individuals possess the passion and creativity necessary to address global challenges. By connecting with Auroville’s values, the program aims to inspire and equip them to become leaders committed to human unity, sustainability, and spiritual growth. It’s an investment in nurturing a generation of changemakers who can contribute to a more harmonious and conscious world.

Our Guiding Principles:

The program provides an interactive and immersive platform for young people from diverse backgrounds. Through workshops, seminars, hands-on projects, and real-world experiences, participants engage deeply with various aspects of Auroville’s unique way of life. They explore sustainability, ecological consciousness, cultural exchange, leadership development, and the profound philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is an experiential learning journey that encourages holistic personal development.


The Youth Engagement Program in Auroville can encompass a wide range of initiatives aimed at empowering and inspiring young individuals. These initiatives are designed to nurture personal growth, instill values of unity and sustainability, and prepare them for leadership roles. Here are some possible initiatives that can be undertaken under the Youth Engagement Program:

These workshops equip young individuals with communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, empowering them to actively engage with Auroville’s ideals.

Youth Dialogues:

Organize platforms for youth to engage in meaningful dialogues on topics related to human unity, sustainability, spirituality, and integral growth.

Encourage young participants to create content that communicates Auroville’s vision to the world, including documentaries, blogs, and social media campaigns.

Auroville History and Philosophy Workshops:

Offer educational programs that deepen their understanding of Auroville’s history, philosophy, and its role in humanity’s evolution.

Provide opportunities for young individuals to intern with AWARE Auroville, learning the art of conscious communication.

Youth Leadership Development:

Foster leadership skills among youth through mentorship and experiential learning.

Encourage young participants to actively participate in community service projects, strengthening their connection to Auroville’s vision.

Participants in the Youth Engagement Program can expect to:

  • Immerse themselves in the living laboratory that is Auroville, experiencing its experimental culture firsthand.
  • Delve into the diverse facets of sustainable living and ecological consciousness, gaining practical skills and insights into sustainable practices.
  • Engage in meaningful interactions with local and international peers through cultural exchange programs, enriching their understanding of global perspectives.
  • Develop their leadership abilities and effective communication skills, essential for fostering change and inspiring others.
  • Actively contribute to Auroville’s community projects and initiatives, making a tangible impact.
  • Deepen their understanding of the profound vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, and explore how this vision can be applied in the modern world.

The Youth Engagement Program is an open invitation for young minds to participate in a transformative journey. It offers an opportunity to connect with Auroville’s mission, to ignite passion, to foster unity, and to be part of a global movement of positive change. By empowering tomorrow’s leaders, this program contributes to the ongoing evolution of humanity towards a brighter future.

In collaboration with IEC

Started in 1976 as the first experimental prototype outreach school for the workers of Auroville and their family, the Ilaignarkal Education Centre began as a small group who met to learn beneath the shade of a large banyan tree. Since then, it has grown into an inclusive campus for overall education.

Here, we provide education and training with a focus on integrating the Tamil and non-Tamil speaking communities of Auroville. This bridge between cultures creates what we call a silent revolution. Our Centre strives to help build sustainable communities for all residents of Auroville’s neighbouring communities through the preservation and promotion of Tamil culture and research. 

​Translated in English, the Tamil word Ilaignarkal is the plural form of youth. Here at IEC, we believe that youth never ages so our students come from all different generations. And in the last 46 years of its existence, the Ilaignarkal Education Centre has helped thousands in developing their skills through further learning. 

Visit their website.

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