Auroville, the “City of Dawn,” is a living embodiment of a utopian dream—one that was nurtured by the visionaries Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. This article delves into the historical, philosophical, and spiritual factors that led to the founding of Auroville and explores how its vision for peace and unity continues to inspire seekers from around the world.
Continue readingAuroville’s Purpose Unveiled: Understanding the ‘Raison d’etre’ of This Unique Township
Auroville, often described as an “experimental township,” stands as a unique and remarkable entity. Founded on visionary ideals and lofty principles, it beckons seekers, dreamers, and those in search of a deeper meaning in life. In this article, we will delve into Auroville’s purpose, exploring the core principles that underpin its existence and the significance it holds in the world today.
Continue readingThe Responsibility and Privilege of Building Auroville: Protecting the Dream of Sri Aurobindo and Mother
For the last 23 years I have been visiting Auroville regularly. I have also presented the city of Auroville through the Lur Gozoa Association, especially two exhibitions of the city, the model of the Galaxy and its Master Plan. At the end of this letter, I expose my curriculum for your more detailed information. I have spent a few weeks in Auroville, on such important dates as Mother’s Anniversary and the 55th Anniversary of the City of Auroville, I have shared and held conversations with all kinds of Aurovilians, old residents, some of the pioneers, new Aurovilians, visitors… people of different nationalities. All these people seemed to have no other type of conversation than to give their opinion on the subject of the Galaxy and more specifically on the Crown.
I believe that the moment we are living is extremely delicate in the sense that the project of Sri Aurobindo and Mother is about to manifest itself in a progressively active way, finally after 55 years in which it has been slowing down for various reasons. The reasons for which the project has been stopped and slowed down for so many years are not relevant and it is not appropriate to count them and even less to personalize or name the different ways of manifesting the “fear” of realizing such a great work, not because of its size, but because of its significance.
The work, the project of manifesting the City that the World Needs, the City that will welcome the Humanity of the Future, to participate in it, in this laboratory, is very scary, it is an enormous responsibility, because it is not a matter of manifesting and building houses, roads, social premises, dining rooms, commercial places… etc., which also, of course, is a matter of course. The difficulties of building are solved immediately, mostly with money, with financing.
The problem comes, the fear of responsibility arrives when the construction of a project of colossal magnitude, born from the dream of some exceptional beings, is in hand. Those same exceptional beings, by They Grace, have called in some subtle way all the people who are now living in what will be the City of Auroville. It is understandable that during all these years it has been difficult to prioritize the construction of the city taking into account the difficulties of financing, finally the Matrimandir has been built, the soul of the city, its gardens, the lake (for so many years it was believed to be an “impossible dream” and finally thanks to new technologies it has been possible to build, nothing is impossible if someone already dreamed it, and in that case the Dreamers were, are exceptional), the different aids and donations have had to be distributed and prioritize the most immediate and necessary. It is understandable, even occupying land with the most immediate to continue to keep the spaces alive while building, but without losing sight of the ultimate goal: why and for what reason we are in Auroville, why I answered the call.
With new technologies it will be possible to do things now and in the near future, innovations that seemed impossible when Mother dreamed them up. It is clear that Auroville is not going to be the place from which new technologies are born for the rest of the world, but it will be the place where those technologies are used in unexpected and innovative ways. What is certain is that the very experience of living in Auroville, of overcoming the difficulties, of attending to the detachments to our way of living, the flexibility in changing our minds, our ideas, overcoming the need to want to reduce with our little minds with their egoic needs the projections of Beings who have come to push our evolution, is what will make Auroville different from any other human enterprise undertaken so far. This is the wonderful contagion. Reaching 50,000 people living in Auroville with those who one day managed to reach this goal, is what will give the critical mass necessary to replicate it in other places in the world. This is what the Auroville laboratory is based on.
Auroville is for the world, it is not for a few privileged people. The privilege is to live to build Auroville, to have heard the whisper of the Masters and to accept it.
At this time, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s birth, the eyes of India have turned to Auroville and have begun to recognize the figure of the Master in a strong way. Sri Aurobindo’s 5 Dreams resonate strongly and this seems to have activated the need to strongly support the building of the city, another of Sri Aurobindo’s dreams. “There should be somewhere in the world…”. Mother knew that no other nation could participate in the experiment, allow it. And 55 years later, India goes a step further and commits to fully fund the construction. And it begins to do so…
It is time to protect the Dream of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, supporting the construction, being as close as possible, contributing what we have learned. It is time to build and protect, being grateful. It is not time for unsustainable absurd confrontations that confuse, that generate pain and allow fear to have its way. The people who live in Auroville have to remember their Dream. The people of Auroville have to remember that they have gone to India, to Auroville, to become Aurovilians and that being Aurovilians does not consist only in living in Auroville, but in getting involved in building the city of Human Unity and overcoming all the difficulties, material, emotional and spiritual that this challenge demands. Remember the words of Mother: “To be a true Aurovilian …………” the 7 points that She lists and that I, although I do not live in Auroville I consider them as a reference for my daily Sadhana, how to be a true human being. ALL LIFE IS YOGA.
In Auroville there is no need to build bridges of understanding. Whoever calls himself a mediator is fulfilling a task that no one has asked of him and is not necessary. Only an exquisite equanimity can attend to the needs and approaches of all the parties involved and, in this sense, as far as I am concerned AVI Spain is not fulfilling the function of representing all the sensitivities that are taking place at this time and with its clumsiness (which I do not doubt has good intentions) is aggravating an issue that the good will of all the people involved will know how to solve with intelligence and heart.
I request, by means of this letter, that AVI Spain, in this case, cease with the particular personal opinions of its president. I do not believe that AVI Spain is being able to transmit in an equanimous, fair and serious way to the people it represents, the reality of the delicate and decisive moment that the Auroville community is living and that with its visceral appreciations it is being of little or no help, furthermore it is producing unnecessary confrontations.
I can provide documents addressed to AVI Spain that last year I already sent through the Lur Gozoa Association, if required. I understand that the way in which AVI Spain, in the figure of its president, continues to address and present the issue is inappropriate and seriously affects the honor of some people living in Auroville giving names and whatsapps, thus subtracting them ability to resolve personally in a serene way any injury that may arise due to the different ways of understanding and evolve with respect to the construction of the city according to the Master Plan, accepted and sealed by The Mother.
The impartiality in “telling” the story of the process that the Auroville Community is going through must be exquisite, in the case that the different AVI’s have decided that they must participate and transmit the evolution of this important and decisive moment. I understand that we must all the people involved in different ways, transmit calm, serenity and support and above all confidence that the people will be able to solve it with the sure help of The Mother, who is taking care of them and of the City that the World Needs, the City of Human Unity.
A twinned embrace in Her Light
Rosana Agudo
Rosana Agudo is Founder of the Association Lur Gozoa for a Conscious Citizenship (Antenna of Auroville International Spain) and of the Association for Women’s Leadership Mirra. Director of TTi, Technology for Inner Transformation (she participated in the 1st Business and Conscience in the city of Auroville). She is a Dharma Master and Zen Master. Creator of the School of Active Meditation and Evolutionary Development where she works in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. She has been traveling regularly to Auroville for more than 20 years and has a very close relationship with the city, actively collaborating with its aims and objectives at every moment according to the most immediate need.
Auroville: The Utopia That Never Was” by Joss Brooks, Vice, September 2016
Auroville, the utopian community located in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India, has been a subject of fascination and intrigue for decades. Its unique ideology, which centers around the idea of human unity and spiritual growth, has attracted people from all over the world to live and work together in a shared vision of a better world. However, Auroville’s journey has not been without its challenges, and some critics argue that the community has not lived up to its lofty goals. In this article, we will explore the history of Auroville and examine some of the criticisms that have been leveled against it.
Continue readingColonial Attitudes in Auroville: Challenging Historical Power Dynamics
Auroville was founded with the aim of creating a new kind of society, one that was free from the constraints of traditional power structures and cultural norms. However, as with any community, Auroville is not immune to the legacy of colonialism and the power dynamics that it has created. It is important for members of the community to acknowledge and challenge these attitudes in order to create a more just and equitable society.
Continue readingWhy We Need to Preserve the Vision of Auroville: Understanding the Importance of Sustainable Living and Human Unity
Auroville, an experimental township located in Tamil Nadu, India, was founded in 1968 with the aim of promoting sustainable living, human unity, and cultural diversity. The community has developed a unique identity over the years, characterized by its commitment to environmental conservation, artistic expression, and spiritual growth. Auroville’s original vision has inspired people from all over the world, who have come to live and work in the community. However, there have been concerns raised about preserving the vision of Auroville, particularly with regards to sustainable living and human unity.
Continue readingReframing Our Perspective: Embracing Courage in Auroville to Serve the Divine Consciousness
Auroville is a unique and ambitious community that strives to create a new way of living based on human unity and spiritual growth. However, like any community, Auroville faces its share of challenges, including fear and insecurity. In order to achieve its goals, it is crucial for Auroville to embrace courage and overcome these obstacles.
Continue readingThe True Spirit of Auroville: Understanding the Need to Uncroach the Dream
Auroville was founded on a dream to create a place where people from all over the world can live together in harmony, in a community based on spirituality, peace, and love. However, over the years, this dream has been compromised as some individuals have taken advantage of the resources and opportunities available in Auroville. As a result, it has become necessary to uncroach the dream and restore its original essence.
Continue readingAuroville in brief
What is Auroville?
Auroville is a universal township in the making for a population of up to 50,000 people from around the world.
How did Auroville begin?
The concept of Auroville – an ideal township devoted to an experiment in human unity – came to the Mother as early as the 1930s. In the mid 1960s the concept was developed and put before the Govt. of India, who gave their backing and took it to the General Assembly of UNESCO. In 1966 UNESCO passed a unanimous resolution commending it as a project of importance to the future of humanity, thereby giving their full encouragement.
Why Auroville?
The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity – in diversity. Today Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with – and practically researching into – sustainable living and the future cultural, environmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind.
When did Auroville start?
On 28th February 1968 some 5,000 people assembled near the banyan tree at the centre of the future township for an inauguration ceremony attended by representatives of 124 nations, including all the States of India. The representatives brought with them some soil from their homeland, to be mixed in a white marble- clad, lotus-shaped urn, now sited at the focal point of the Amphitheatre. At the same time the Mother gave Auroville its 4-point Charter.
Where is Auroville?
Auroville is located in south India, mostly in the State of Tamil Nadu (some parts are in the State of Puducherry), a few kilometres inland from the Coromandel Coast, approx 150 kms south of Chennai (previously Madras) and 10 kms north of the town of Puducherry.
Who are the Aurovilians?
They come from some 59 nations, from all age groups (from infancy to over eighty, averaging around 30), from all social classes, backgrounds and cultures, representing humanity as a whole. The population of the township is constantly growing, but currently stands at around 2,500 people, of whom approx one-third are Indian.
Overview of the city plan

Peace Area
At the centre of the township lies the Peace Area, comprising the Matrimandir and its gardens, the amphitheatre with the Urn of Human Unity that contains the soil of 121 nations and 23 Indian states, and the project of a lake to help create an atmosphere of calm and serenity and to serve as a groundwater recharge area.
Industrial Zone
A 109-hectare area to the north of the Peace Area, the Industrial Zone, a zone for “green” industries, is focused on Auroville’s efforts towards a self-supporting township. It will contain small and medium-scale industries, training centres, arts and crafts, and the city’s administration.
Residential Zone
The largest of the four city zones, comprising of 189 hectares, the Residential Zone is bordered by parks on the north, south and west. Main access to the zone will be through the crown road with further traffic distribution via five radial roads that divide the zone into sectors of increasing densities. This zone wants to provide a well-adjusted habitat between individual and collective living. 55% of the area will be green and only 45% built surface, thereby creating an urban density balanced by nature.
International Zone
The International Zone, a zone of 74 hectares to the west of the Peace Area, will host national and cultural pavilions, grouped by continents. Its central focus is to create a living demonstration of human unity in diversity through the expression of the genius and contribution of each nation to humanity
Cultural Zone
Planned on a 93-hectare area, situated to the east of the Peace Area, the Cultural Zone will be a site for applied research in education and artistic expression. Facilities for cultural, educational, art and sports activities will be located in this zone.
Green Belt
The city area with a radius of 1.25 km. will be surrounded by a Green Belt of 1.25 km width. As a zone for organic farms, dairies, orchards, forests, and wildlife areas, this belt will act as a barrier against urban encroachment, provide a variety of habitats for wildlife, and serve as a source for food, timber, medicines etc. and as a place for recreation.
Presently an area of 405 hectares, the Green Belt – though incomplete – stands as an example of successful transformation of wasteland into a vibrant eco-system. Its further planned extension with an additional 800 hectares will make it into a remarkable demonstration site for soil and water conservation, ground water recharge, and environmental restoration. As lungs for the entire township, it will complete the healing process that Auroville started several decades ago.
Auroville exists only once in the world….
Some weeks ago as the crisis unfolded and the stay order was imposed on Auroville without any warning, I received a letter from a longtime friend of Auroville from AVI Germany which I am sharing here.
I have held this letter to my heart, to see just what Auroville means to people across the world. The hope it carries is like a treasure in the lives and dreams of people who cannot be here but who are part of this adventure nevertheless, from far or near, shining the light of Auroville wherever they are. As Aurovilians we hold this treasure in trust, as willing servitors, for humanity as a whole. It is not ours to stop, or falsify, or divide.
Dear All,
When I heard the news from Auroville,tears welled up in my eyes.
I cannot express in words how desperate this makes me.
I thought long and hard about writing something about this, because I have seen, read and experienced a lot in Auroville in the last 30 years.
I thought that after all this time it should be possible for the Aurovillians to come to some common understanding, at least to make a start.
If not in Auroville, where else should it be? In Auroville a small but very fine difference to the rest of the world should be possible.
The Divine has no, really no limits and so many more (not to say “all possibilities”) possibilities than man can ever fathom. THEY can even work with governments.
Also there are no limits for them.
So why is it that we humans have no faith in what we see every day, what we relate to every day in Auroville, whose earth Aurovillians get to walk on every day.
We read, try to live what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have taught us.
Where is the value, if we don´t.
The Mother has given us Auroville – what a gift – what an opportunity – it exists only once in the world…
So what do we want?
The endless quarrels among ourselves, the constant resistance, the resentment among each other and against each other should at least become less at some point.
In my view, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo cannot work like this.
Nothing will stay as it is.
So why don’t we have faith?
We relate to THEM, to what they have left behind and when faced with difficulties of any colour we have nothing to offer but to argue, to fight, to compete, to use violent language against each other, to outdo each other with comments and phrases and words that bring us apart instead of bringing us together. Creating Auroville together, building the city together, that is what I thought Auroville was also about.
If in building a city, a road – mind you it is just a road – roads are built, changed and rebuilt, changed again and rebuilt again….redesigned and built and rebuilt again….. thousands every day in the world –
In Auroville a common ground cannot be found – and the construction of a road can move such riots – what is it to become?
It is also about how and that a common ground is found and we develop the capacity to do that. Or is it not?
What will it become in the future – in other projects?
The Mother wanted a city – no much more – she gave us the unique opportunity on the way to building a city – to develop ourselves – to see if at least a few appropriate people can gather there to create a possibility to prepare the next leap of consciousness – and to live it in a city – built by consciousness, where the soil is saturated with consciousness, where the buildings are constructed by people in love with the vision of building such a city together in peace.
It is only possible together in peace – otherwise we do not have to get up even.
We are all allowed to have a part in this and contribute something.
If we open quarrels like this for every project in Auroville and sink into them and feed divisions like this for decades and decades to come, what will we leave behind for the children, what will they do, what kind of city will this become?
This is exactly what they want.
If we are not able at least to begin to build a little bit of the city in the way of this actually immense opportunity she gave us – to what will we look upon physically and spiritually?
In deep surrender and everlasting love for Auroville.