Part 3
* * *
MAY 1970
24 MAY 1970
Written in a notebook
Original language: French
First publication: En Route On the Way
Source: On the way, p.140; AMW, p.325
Shyam Sunder: For the last three days the idea has been coming that the `Matrimandir’ in Auroville ought to be built soon.”
It would indeed be good, and would change things in an unexpected way – but this does not seem to have been revealed to others.
* * *
JULY 1970
7 JULY 1970
Taped conversation
Original language: French & English
First publication:
Source: MoA, p.97; CWM, XIII, p.348; AMW, p.344
[Eighteenth “Aspiration talk”:]
Christophe: This is a letter from Rod. He would like me to read it to you. May I do that?
[Reading Rod’s letter:]
Divine Mother, there is great confusion about Auroville’s organization, inner as well as outer. How can we work together towards the realization of a higher consciousness? It seems that Auroville should become a more homogeneous community with a greater sense of unity. In order to realize this, would it be possible for all the inhabitants of Promesse, Hope, Aspiration, Peace, etc. to meet in order to work together one day a week on a communal garden, perhaps the garden of Truth? Or each person could devote one day a week to a communal farm, to produce food for Auroville. That would help us to get to know each other better and make us more capable of organizing ourselves in the right spirit. And perhaps the people engaged in individual projects for Auroville could also work together more closely, so as to form a sort of guiding team in Auroville, so that each one’s work could progress more effectively. Would such a concerted effort in Auroville just now help us to do your work? With a prayer of perfection.
The aspiration is good, but… I don’t know whether the time has come.
Christophe: He is not the only one. There are several people working in different places in Auroville who feel this need to unite and to do the same work together.
Yes, the idea is good, but this is how I see it. We want to build the Matrimandir; and then, that was the idea: when we begin to build the Matrimandir, everyone who wants to work there will be able to do so. And that would really be working on the central idea.
And it should be soon. It should have been already. So there, there will be work for everyone. We have been thinking of beginning the Matrimandir for a long time. In fact, everyone should come and work there, except, of course, those who work elsewhere. There will be work for everybody. It is better than… It is the centre of the town.
You could tell him this: in principle the idea is good. But as for the application, for a long time, more than a year, we have wanted to begin the Matrimandir so that everyone could work there. A person would have to say, “No, I do not want to” and have his reasons.
It is like the Force, the central Force of Auroville, the cohesive Force of Auroville.
There will be gardens. There will be everything, all the possibilities: engineers, architects, all kinds of manual work. So you can tell him from me that he has picked up the idea which was in the air, but that we want its application to be truly symbolic. And when we begin to build the Matrimandir, we will put everyone to work on it. Not every day and all the time, but it will be organized.
Is that all you wanted to say?
* * *
13 AUGUST 1970
Report on the Quarter
Original language: French & English
Source: Bulletin, November 70, p.120
[On 13th August there was a collective meditation at Auroville followed by the Vande Mataram and readings from Savitri. This was for the symbolic inauguration of Matri Mandir.]
* * *
14 AUGUST 1970
Original language: French
First publication:
Source: MoA, p.4; CWM, XIII, p.229; AMW, p.352
[People from Auroville and the Ashram gathered for a first invocation of the Matrimandir near the Banyan tree. Mother sent this message with Nolini:]
The Matrimandir wants to be the symbol of the Divine’s answer to man’s aspiration for perfection.
Union with the Divine manifesting in a progressive human unity.
Original language: French & English
First publication: Bulletin Nov 1970
Source: Bulletin Nov 1970
Meditation at the site for Matrimandir
Readings of Savitri at the site for Matrimandir
Singing the Bande Mataram at the site for Matrimandir
* * *
Original language: English
First publication: MTL, 1974
Source: MTL, p.30
[Mother told Huta:]
Child, your tiny house will be very close to the Matrimandir. I will arrange everything for you. Leave everything to me. I will see to everything…
[Huta took her hands into hers]
Huta: Oh! But, Mother, I have left everything to you, and truly I am not at all anxious about my house, but I am anxious about the Matrimandir. I am ever grateful to you for everything.
[Mother pressed Huta’s hands and gave a lovely smile.]
* * *
SEPTEMBER 1970 (?)
Original language:
First publication:
Source: CWM, XIII, p.229; AMW, p.352
The Matrimandir wants to be the symbol of the Universal Mother according to Sri Aurobindo’s teaching.
* * *
Original language: French & English
First publication:
Source: MoA, p.4; Gaz, I, 1p.3; CWM, XIII, p.229; AMW, p.358
The Matrimandir will be the soul of Auroville.
The sooner it is there, the better it will be for everybody and especially for the Aurovilians.
* * *
Report of a conversation in English.
Original language: English
First publication: MTL 1974
Source: MTL, p.30
[Excerpt from a conversation with Huta:]
Child your tiny house will be very close to the Matrimandir. I will arrange everything for you. Leave everything to me. I will see to everything…
Huta: Oh! But, Mother, I have left everything to you, and truly I am not at all anxious about my house, but I am anxious about the Matrimandir. I am ever grateful to you for everything.
* * *
New Year Message:
Blessed are those who take a leap towards the Future.
16 FEBRUARY 1971
Written on a note book
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.74; CWM, XIII, p.229; AMW, p.368
Shyam Sunder: For the construction of the Matrimandir, will only Aurovilians do the work or will there also be hired workers and other people of goodwill?
It is preferable that the work be organized without paid labour so that it is sure to continue in all circumstances.
* * *
Original language: English & French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.4; CWM, p.229; AMW, p.370 Fac simile of the message: CWM, XII, p.230
[Message for the laying of the Matrimandir foundation stone of the Matrimandir at 6.30 a.m.:]
Fac simile
Let the Matrimandir be the living symbol of Auroville’s aspiration for the Divine. [After meditation and music Nolini laid the foundation stone with little Aurofilio at his side.]
Description of the ceremony: Gaz, I, 3, p.38
The Foundation stone of the Matrimandir was laid at the centre of Auroville on 21st February 1971, exactly at sun-rise at 6.30 am. A fire, symbol of the human aspiration, had been lit in front of a simple yet magnificent altar and the large gathering sat in a semi-circle, facing the East, while the air resounded with the Mother’s message and the music. The Mother gave the following message for the occasion: “Let the Matrimandir be the living symbol of Auroville’s aspiration for the Divine”.
An extract from Sri Aurobindo’s book “The Mother” was read out by Nolini kanta Gupta: “The Mother’s power and not any human endeavour and tapasya can alone rend the lid and tear the covering and shape the vessel and bring down into this world of obscurity and falsehood and death and suffering Truth and Light and Life Divine and the immortal’s Ananda.”
* Description of the ceremony by Shraddhavan:
The foundation ceremony for the Matrimandir took place at a sunrise ceremony. Sunil had composed a music for the occasion, incorporating Mother’s reading of the message in French and in English. Nolini and Aurofilio had brought a precious wooden box from Mother, which was sealed in the ground between the banyan tree and the present site of the Matrimandir as the land for the Matrimandir had not yet been purchased.
Photo: GMLA, p.139
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: Archives; AMW, p.371
[The Aurovilians working in the Matrimandir Nursery asked Mother whether they should postpone growing flowers and plants in order to join in the work of digging the excavation for the Matrimandir.]
No, the gardens are as important as the Matrimandir itself.
* * *
22 FEBRUARY 1971
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: Gaz, I,3p.38
[Letter of Satprem to Roger:]
Dear Roger, I wanted to tell you that yesterday I had the very strong perception or sensation in front of the fire. Suddenly I felt as if an OM was springing up from the ancient times of Vedic Sacrifice and we were there to round off a whole cycle – to such an extent that when I heard Sunil’s music, I was surpised as though I were hearing the hymns to Agni of the Vedas. It was extremely powerful. Something did take place yesterday. It is good for the future. With very cordial regards. Satprem
* * *
MARCH 1971
1 MARCH 1971
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.35, MA, p. ; AMW, p.373, Copy of the original can be seen at the “Land Service”
[When Mother was informed that the land needed for Matrimandir still could not be purchased, she gave the following message:]
For those who have some land to sell,
There is a Supreme Divinity witness of all our actions and the day of the consequence will come soon.
* * *
14 MARCH 1971
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.4; CWM, XIII, p.230; AMW, p.376
[Message given for beginning the excavation of the foundation of the Matrimandir, which was started on this date by Aurovilians and Ashramites. Later on, labourers were employed to hasten the work.]
The fraternity of collaboration.
The aspiration towards Unity in joy and Light.
* * *
APRIL 1971 5 APRIL 1971
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p. 113
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” The following note was prepared by Roger:
On the subject of Bharat Nivas, Mother had said to Roger:
I see no reason for not engaging contractors. How to build Auroville without help? What I have said to Shyam Sunder is that for the Matrimandir it would be preferable to go without it, but for other constructions it is different…”
” Question: Does Mother agree on the following points: ” For the Matrimandir in the present situation, neither contractor, nor paid labour. ” For Bharat Nivas, schools, etc. until the new order Auroville can utilise contractors under the supervision of the Architectural Office of Auroville [Auroville’s Future].
Mother agrees.
For Kuljian Corporation, Mother has permitted Shyam Sunder to talk to Pradyot.
* * *
10 APRIL 1971
Drafted by someone else, signed by Mother
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.86; AMW, p.381
[Notice submitted to Mother and approved by her:]
Auromodèle will be developed as a first attempt at community life in Auroville. At the Centre of Auroville we shall build huts for twenty to thirty people who will participate in the construction of Matrimandir and its organisation.
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: MoA, p.74; CWM, XIII, p,230; AMW, p.381, Down Memory Lane, p. 113
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” Notice: As we are in a period of construction, it is imperative that the Aurovilians who live at the Centre should work on the construction of the Matrimandir. Those who do not want to work on the Matrimandir should not live at the Centre.
* * *
28 APRIL 1971
Taped conversation
Original language: French
First publication: AM MA
Sources: MA, p.108; AMW, p.383
[Excerpt of a conversation with Satprem:]
[On the occasion of the laying of the first stone of the Matrimandir on 21 February, Satprem had written a letter to Roger1.]
I saw your letter (I saw it in English), the letter you wrote to Roger for the “Matrimandir”…. It’s interesting, it’s good…. They have a bulletin, a “Gazette”, it will be published there.
MAY 1971
6 MAY 1971
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p. 115
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” Answer to Gene [Maslow] who says he does not want to resume responsible work at the Matrimandir unless it is Mother’s wish:
Until the building of Auroville is over, those who want to live on the spot must help in this building. So it is natural that you should take up some useful work there. Do with good will what is asked from you.
* * *
30 MAY 1971
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p. 116
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” Answer to a letter from Howard [later known as Amrit] about the disposal of fruits and vegetables grown at the Nursery. Should they be distributed freely to Aurovilians or should they be sold within the Auroville community, or outside of Auroville?
It depends on the quantity. One can distribute these if it is little, otherwise it can come to the kitchen and the kitchen can pay.
* * *
JUNE 1971
JUNE 1971
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: French
First publication: Matrimandir newsletter & brochures
Sources: Roger; Archives, AMW, p.390
[After a conversation with Mother in her room Roger noted down the following. He came across these notes in 1985, and shared them with some Matrimandir workers. These notes have been published in the Matrimandir Newsletter and brochure, even though they were never formally approved by Mother.]
In India the creation, that means basically the work of the Mother-Creator, has for centuries been considered as anti-divine. Sri Aurobindo has shown that it is in Matter that the Divine must be manifested; he has insisted on the understanding of this concept of the Mother as Creator. Matrimandir is here to teach people that it is not be escaping from the world or ignoring it that they will realize the Divine in life. Matrimandir must be the symbol of this Truth.
I don’t want it to be made into a religion; with all my force I refuse. We don’t want dogmas, principles, ritual, absolutely not, absolutely not.
Roger: Why do we build Matrimandir?
For the great majority of Indians there is no need for an explanation; they know from their background. It is for the Westerners and the Americans of whom one in a million is able to feel that it is necessary. Roger: Will the Force more specially be concentrated in Matrimandir?
The new Force works everywhere, especially in this room. You feel it, don’t you? There is here a density capable of performing miracles, but few are able to feel it, to perceive it. Sri Aurobindo and I have concentrated this Force on the whole town; it is palpable, perceptible as a very concrete perfume which penetrates, but one must be able to feel it, to receive it.
But no miracles as people would like to see; for them to believe, they need material proofs without which they deny.
Build Matrimandir, put my symbol in place and Sri Aurobindo’s, and the globe. I take it upon myself to make it into a very strong centre. Only those who are capable will perceive it.
* * *
1 JUNE 1971
Signed by Mother, but drafted by someone else
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: CWM, p.246; AMW, p.391
[Notice drafted by Shyam Sunder and submitted to Mother:]
Matrimandir Workers’ Camp Kitchen and Dining Room
These are meant primarily for Matrimandir workers and should be kept clean and used cleanly. One should not smoke here and should learn to eat in quietude.
[Mother approved it and added:]
In this country cleanliness is indispensable to avoid typhoid.
* * *
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.86; CWM, p.247, AMW, p.391
[Message for the Matrimandir Workers’ Kitchen.]
An absolute cleanliness is indispensable in this country and climate to avoid illness. Great precautions must be taken.
* * *
28 AUGUST 1971
Original language: English
First publication
Sources: CWM, p.219; AMW, p.395
For each problem there is a solution that can give satisfaction to everybody; but for finding this ideal solution each one must want it instead of meeting the others with the will to enforce one’s own preference.
Enlarge your consciousness and aspire for the satisfaction of all.
* * *
28 AUGUST 1971
Original language: English
First publication
Sources: CWM, p.219; AMW, p.395
For each problem there is a solution that can give satisfaction to everybody; but for finding this ideal solution each one must want it instead of meeting the others with the will to enforce one’s own preference.
Enlarge your consciousness and aspire for the satisfaction of all.
* * *
Original language:
First publication
Sources: MoA, p.43; CWM, XIII, p.219; AMW, p.396
You see only your side of the question, but if you want to widen your consciousness it would be better to look from all sides impartially, later you will discover that this attitude has great advantages.
* * *
Original language: French
First publication
Sources: MoA, p.44; CWM, XIII, p.220; AMW, p.396
Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth and you will have a place for everything.
* * *
Original language:
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.4; CWM, XIII, p.231; AMW, p.396
[In reply to Alain Grandcolas??]
The Matrimandir is directly under the influence of the Divine and certainly He arranges things better than we could do ourselves.
* * *
5 OCTOBER 1971
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.4; CWM, XIII, p.231; AMW, p.397
[In connection with a proposal to build another “Matrimandir” somewhere else (in Orissa):]
There is only one Matrimandir, the Matrimandir of Auroville. The others must have another name.
* * *
10 OCTOBER 1971
Signed by Mother, but drafted by someone else
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.87; AMW, p.398
[Notice drafted by Roger and approved by Mother.]
The building of the Matrimandir now requires the support of all men of goodwill, both inside and outside Auroville.
The help of specialized and qualified contractors, backed and supported by the enthusiasm and faith of the Aurovilians, is necessary for its rapid construction.
* * *
20 OCTOBER 1971
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: Satprem tells it to Mother on November 10th; MoA, p.74; CWM, XIII, p.230; AMW, p.398
Piero: I have made a detailed study of the work to be done, and I have reached the conclusion that we [Aurovilians] can take upon ourselves the responsibility for the excavation and construction work of the four pillars; then a commercial firm such as EEC would agree to take over the construction of the Matrimandir itself… etc. It therefore appears that the work of the Aurovilians is not an obstacle to the rest of the work being handled by a specialized firm…
That’s very good, I am fully in agreement.
The safety and strength of the construction should come before personal questions. I count upon you to see that everything is done harmoniously.
* * *
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.74; CWM, XIII, p.230; AMW, p.400
Alain Grandcolas: Can you give some general ideas about the way in which you want the Matrimandir to be built, so that we shall have no more doubts and may build with light and confident hearts?
Strength, safety, durability, harmonious balance.
The foundations are especially important and should be done by experts. There is room for everyone of goodwill, and for those who in all sincerity and simplicity want to offer their work, there is enough to keep them usefully occupied.
* * *
10 NOVEMBER 1971
Taped conversation
Original language: French
First publication: AM MA
Sources: MA, p.291, AMW, p.402
[Excerpt of a conversation with Satprem:]
Well, do you have anything?
Satprem: I have something, but what about you?
Me… for the moment…. [Mother seems tired] I don’t know if something will come later.
The consciousness [of the body] is changing very fast.
I’ll see later if something comes.
Tell me first what you have.
Satprem: An Auroville story.
Auroville? What happened?
Satprem: A few days ago I received a letter from a young man who is an architect [Piero] there, (I don’t know him). He wrote me saying that he would like to see me.
Ah, why? Satprem: Because he would like to explain to me Auroville’s problems. So I replied: “Auroville’s problems will be solved and cleared up only when Aurovilians turn directly to Mother, and hence I wish they would go directly to the Source instead of going to an intermediary.” Then I added amicably that I could nevertheless… etc.
You did well.
He has an idea of how to make the Matrimandir, and others have another idea, but then Roger is going to arrive soon – I would like to wait for Roger to be here, and he will decide.
Satprem: Because he wrote me a second letter, saying, “I agree that one must turn to the Source, which is the `stable and welcoming’ reference, but unfortunately one doesn’t have direct access to the Source, one has to go through intermediaries….”
[Mother nods her head]
Satprem: So there are some problems, and he has explained one of them in his letter to me.
Tell me what it is.
Satprem: For example, he says he wrote you a month ago, in October, and you answered him in writing. He wrote you this: “I have made a detailed study of the work to be done, and I have reached the conclusion that we [Aurovilians] can take upon ourselves the responsibility for the excavation and construction work of the four pillars; then a commercial firm such as EEC (I don’t know what it is, it’s in Madras, I think) would agree to take over the construction of the Matrimandir itself… etc. It therefore appears that the work of the Aurovilians is not an obstacle to the rest of the work being handled by a specialized firm….” Then you answered, “That’s very good, I am fully in agreement. The safety and solidity of the work should come BEFORE PERSONAL QUESTIONS. I am counting on you to see that everything goes harmoniously.”
And then I realized… Afterwards, the others told me that he had written that without consulting them.
Satprem: And he tells me he did it “after consultation with about 50 Aurovilians”.
No…. Listen, those things are enough to drive anyone crazy!
Satprem: In a nutshell he wants the work to be handled by the Aurovilians, without barring the participation of experts.
But that’s how it is. It will be that way. That’s what I said; but when it comes to the actual execution…. I advise you not to get involved in this!
Satprem: Oh, but I don’t intend to at all!
Yes, they’re… It’s pretty complicated!
Satprem: I’ll simply tell him to wait for Roger’s return and that the decision will be made then.
Yes. But the decision has been made – I don’t know, I thought they were already working.
Satprem: The “official” decision is that a firm in Madras will do the work.
Not all the work. We have asked the Aurovilians to be there – exactly as he puts it.
Satprem: Well, because he says he is ready even to undertake the foundation work for the pillars.
Oh, no! That’s… Look, tell him that Roger will soon arrive and everything will be decided when he’s here.
Satprem: But I really don’t want to get involved in their problems!
Well, no!.. Did you see the sentence in my letter – there are also personal questions behind. He is not saying it, but that’s what it is. He’s hoping to find someone [Satprem] who will give him the authority, you understand?
Satprem: Yes, I think he is.
So just tell him what I said.
Satprem: I don’t know if I’m right or wrong, but for a very long time I’ve made it sort of my duty to see all those people, to receive them whenever they wanted. So I used to see lots of people….
Shyam Sunder: Either from Auroville or the Ashram, or French or Germans…. I have seen lots of them – anyone who came to the tennis court could see me. I did that for several years. And then I don’t know, all of a sudden I completely stopped. I said I wouldn’t see anyone anymore…. I don’t know if I was right. Because sometimes, I feel it would perhaps be good, it might help people, but on the other hand I have the feeling that… it’s not the solution.
From your personal point of view, you were quite right.
Satprem: Yes, but then I wonder if it isn’t egoistic?
No, my child! Sri Aurobindo used to tell me, “The Divine is the supreme egoist!” [Mother laughs and everyone laughs]
* * *
14 NOVEMBER 1971
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.75; CWM, p.220; AMW, p.405
[A reply to Piero about the work at Matrimandir:]
Each one has good reasons to support his own opinion, and I am no expert to judge between them. But from the spiritual point of view I know that with true goodwill all opinions can be harmonized in a more comprehensive and truer solution. This is what I expect from the workers of Auroville. Not that some give way to others, but that on the contrary all should combine their efforts to achieve a more comprehensive and perfect result.
The ideal of Auroville demands this progress – don’t you want to make it?
* * *
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: Ruud’s diary p.20, 24,26
[At the Matrimandir excavation a fire broke out between workers from two different villages; after an hour the fighting was stopped, but no more work was done that day. On the same morning, the Indo Pakistan war started.]
* * *
18 DECEMBER 1971
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: Ruud’s diary p.20, 24,26
[By this date, there were 400 paid workers employed on the Matrimandir excavation site.]
* * *
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.53; CWM, XIII, p.256; AMW, p.407
[Message for raising funds for Matrimandir.] Give your money to the Divine work and you will be richer than you would be by keeping it.
* * *
New Year Message:
Let us all be worthy of Sri Aurobindo’s centenary.
12 JANUARY 1972
Taped conversation
Original language: French
First publication: AM MA
Sources: MA, p.
[Excerpt of a conversation with Satprem:]
Do you happen to remember where I wrote the twelve attributes of the Mother (the symbol with twelve petals)? There’s one, four and twelve.
Satprem: Yes, I think it was for Auroville.
For Auroville, but I said it years ago…
Satprem: I saw it recently.
The twelve.
[Sujata goes out in search of the paper.]
On this one there aren’t any details.
[Mother extends a note in English:]
The Mother’s Symbol
The central circle represents the Divine Consciousness.
The four petals represent the four powers of the Mother.
The twelve petals represent the twelve powers
of the Mother manifested for Her work.
January 24th, 1958
The Mother
* * *
19 JANUARY 1972
Taped conversation
Original language: French
First publication: AM MA
Sources: MA, p.41; AMW, p.412
Names of the meditation chambers only: MoA, p.5
[Excerpt of a conversation with Satprem referring to a conversation with Satprem on 12 January. Mother was asking for a certain paper, saying that in 1927, she told Sri Aurobindo the meaning of the petals in her symbol. He wrote it down, but that paper could not be found later.]
Last time I told you I was looking for the twelve attributes [Mother takes out a sheet of paper]. Here they are, someone found this:
Sincerity | Humility | Gratitude | Perseverance |
Aspiration | Receptivity | Progress | Courage |
Goodness | Generosity | Equanimity | Peace |
The first eight concern the attitude towards the Divine, and the last four towards humanity.
And we also found a text from Sri Aurobindo (with a colored chart of the twelve petals).
Centre and four powers, white.
The twelve all different colors in three groups:
top group red, passing to orange towards yellow;
next group, yellow passing through green towards blue; and
third group, blue passing through violet towards red.
If white is not convenient, the centre may be gold (powder).
Sri Aurobindo
20 March 1934
The centre is gold.
Satprem: But what did you need these twelve attributes for?
They’re going to build twelve rooms around the Matrimandir, at ground level, and Roger wanted each room to have a name: one of the twelve attributes of the Mother, and the corresponding color.
* * *
Original language:
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.5; CWM, XIII, p.232; AMW, p.414
[At an early morning ceremony, about 2,000 people filed past the cement mixer at Matrimandir, each placing a granite stone in the machine; it was the symbolic beginning of the construction, the cementing of the foundation. Mother had inscribed on a stone the date, the OM symbol, blessings and her signature. This was laid at the base of the east pillar.]
[The large rosewood model representing Matrimandir surrounded by the twelve petals and the twelve gardens was exhibited for the first time.]
[Message for this occasion:]
Let Auroville be the symbol of a progressive Unity.
And the best way to realize this is a unity of aspiration towards the Divine Perfection in work and in feeling, in a consecration of the entire life.
Report on the Quarter
Buletin, April 1972, p. 101
[On 21 February, 1972 a solemn function was held at the Matrimandir site in Auroville timed at sun rise. Last year, on the same date was laid the foundation stone. This time is marked the end of the heavy excavation work and the commencement of the next stage – the construction of four pillars. At 6.15 a.m. with the music of “The Hour of God”, those present there started putting, one by one, a stone in the concrete mixer. At 6.45 Nolini read the following Message of the Mother:]
Let Auroville be the symbol of a progressive Unity.
And the best way to realize this is a unity of aspiration towards the Divine Perfection in work and in feeling, in a consecration of the entire life. The Mother
[A stone bearing the Mother’s writing (Om) and Her signature was put in the base of one of the pillars by Martha and L. Ramalingam.]
* * *
22 FEBRUARY 1972
Original language: French
First publication: AM MA
Sources: MA, p.69; Bull
All day long on the 21st I had a strong feeling that it was everybody’s birthday, and I felt the urge to say “happy birthday” to everyone.
A very strong impression that something new was manifesting in the world, and that all those who were ready and receptive would incarnate it.
In a few days, probably, we will know what it was.
* * *
24 FEBRUARY 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.124
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” A letter dated 22nd February from some residents at Peace was read:
Q.: On day when special meditations are held in the Ashram, some of us would rather remain in Auroville than go to town. We would like to hold collective meditation in Matrimandir at the same time that meditation is held at the Samadhi. Do you approve of this?
Mother approves.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.126
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Upon Chamanlal’s request to Mother for someone to do the opening of the Meteorological Station, Mother asked Shyam Sunder to do it. It was for the next day, the 29th February, and at 6 a.m. they were to start the concreting work of the Matrimandir pillars, he will be at the Matrimandir then. So he asked mother if Roger could do it.
If he likes…
There is meditation here tomorrow.
Shyam Sunder: The work starts at 6. We will be back in time.
” Sebastien wanted to dance at the Matrimandir the next day in the evening in the foundation-hole. Shyam Sunder commented that the concreting work was to start in the morning and these things disturbed the work.
He can dance elsewhere.
* * *
APRIL 1972
21 APRIL 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.168
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Rs 1,300 were stolen from the Matrimandir Camp. The persons concerned admits his negligence and promises to be careful. There have been other thefts also. For the first time, six persons have agreed to keep night-watch, turn by turn, in stead of a paid watchman. Mother gave a blessings packet for each.
* * *
MAY 1972
2 MAY 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.172
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Piero has written to Mother requesting her for a message for tomorrow “so that all the work will be light and guided by “You”.
Tomorrow at 4 p.m. the 20 our concreting work at the Matrimandir at the central bottom is to start.
Mother wrote: a message dated 3.5.72 [see it at this date]. * * *
3 MAY 1972
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.5; CWM, p.233; AMW, p.437
[Ashramites and Aurovilians gathered to work for 26 hours concreting the tie-slab connecting the foundations of the four pillars of Matrimandir. Before the work started at 4 p.m., Shyam Sunder read out this message from Mother:]
Fac simile
Let us all work with a growing sincerity for the manifestation of the Divine Truth.
* * *
4 MAY 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.173
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Yesterday the 20 hour concreting work at the Matrimandir foundation basement has started. The biggest number of Aurovilians so far came to work. In the midnight the Ashram students also joined.
* * *
6 JUNE 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.186
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” The Madras engineers came yesterday. They say that the quality of the Matrimandir construction work done so far is satisfactory.
” Regarding people living in the Matrimandir Workers camp Shyam Sunder read out a note to Mother. Most of the people there agree, but some say that Mother should be asked what she says about it.
I can sign it. As it was a rough written note, Shyam Sunder said he can bring it next morning.
* * *
8 JUNE 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.187
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Mother signed the Matrimandir Workers Camp note “with blessings”
Sources: Matrimandir Workers’ Camp; AMW, p.437; DML, p.187
Matrimandir Workers’ Camp is meant for those who
1. Work whole time at the Matrimandir or in the Matrimandir Garden Nursery.
2. Do not take alcohol or drugs, and live cleanly.
3. There should be no smoking or sex-indulgence in the Matrimandir area. 6.6.72
With blessings
[The original of this message remained posted in the Matrimandir Workers’ Camp.]
* * *
11 JUNE 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.188
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” The basement of Matrimandir pillars is finished. The construction of the actual pillars is to start. The work will be slow now due to lack of resources. Mother apparently did not like the slowing down.
* * *
JULY 1972
July 1972
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.5; CWM, p.232; AMW,p.439
[Significances given for the twelve underground rooms which will radiate from the Matrimandir foundation.]
Sincerity | Humility | Gratitude | Perseverance |
Aspiration | Receptivity | Progress | Courage |
Goodness | Generosity | Equanimity | Peace |
* * *
3 JULY 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.195
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Informed Mother of the solution of a technical problem in the construction of Matrimandir. Regarding the financial difficulty she remarked:
C’est dégoutant [It is disgusting.]
* * *
17 JULY 1972
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: MoA,p.5; CWM, p.232; AMW, p.440
[Mother wrote down for Roger the significance of the four pillars of the Matrimandir.]
North = Mahakali | East = Mahalakshmi |
South = Maheshwari | West = Mahasaraswati |
* * *
25 JULY 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.223
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” David, who works at the Matrimandir, wants to know about the playing of music and reading of Savitri at the Matrimandir construction site and gardens.
Not when there is work.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: French
First publication:
Sources: Roger, Archives, AMW, p.441
[After a meeting with Mother, Roger noted down what she had said. These notes were not checked again with Mother.]
[On the subject of Matrimandir the quality of silence:]
I would like people to keep silent. It must be written there [in the Matrimandir area] that one keeps silent, in French, English and Tamil. And no music.
[About flowers:]
No flowers inside. There should be a room to put them in, in a corridor.
In principle not for visitors, reserved for Aurovilians; but not everyone will be admitted. The first condition for those who want to go there is to ask. Those who have contributed to the construction will be admitted in the first place. If there are doubtful cases, they should be referred to me. All those who have a doubtful presence should not go. If there is the slightest doubt, the case should be presented to me. People must be known for their qualifications.
[Matrimandir door:]
One cannot leave it [the building] open. Then voluntary guardians would be needed, day and night. I think it’s simplest with doors.
* * *
13 AUGUST 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.211
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Piero writes that the Matrimandir construction requires concentration and it is not possible to accelerate it so as to finish the pillars by 15th August.
No hurrying.
Shyam Sunder: He wants to know what is to be done after the pillars.
We will see.
* * *
14 AUGUST 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.211
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Mother gave a golden symbol of Sri Aurobindo and said,
It is from me to you… for Auroville… not to be given to anyone… I don’t know.
Shyam Sunder: Mother when the Matrimandir will be built, we will keep it there as a decoration. Upto then I guard it.
Mother nodded.
” The weekly selection from Sri Aurobindo was read and approved.
* * *
Original language: English
First publication:
Sources: MoA, p.104; CWM, XIII, p.233; AMW, p.442
[On Sri Aurobindo’s 100th birthday there was a major concreting at Matrimandir. People from all over Auroville and from the Ashram gathered to help. Mother sent this message.]
Goodwill and peace to all.
* * *
17 AUGUST 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.211
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Mother was very pleased to know that the Kuilapalayam village has contributed Rs 210 for Matrimandir. It is a village of 300 houses and the village elders say that the amount is very small, but they give it as a token of their expression of brotherhood, goodwill and co-operation with Auroville. Shyam Sunder has spoken to Dyuman and they think that the Centenary napkin could be given to each house there.
Yes, yes. I was thinking that something should be given.
” Narad has written to Mother about the smallness of the size of the Matrimandir gardens fixed by Roger.
I have never told Narad that is should be very big… Roger is the best judge.
* * *
18 AUGUST 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.212
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Mother answered questions on meditation sent by Seyril and Sadhana of the Matrimandir Workers Camp.
Q.: should we assemble for meditation as a community in the Matrimandir excavation?
I do not like so much going inside the excavation.
* * *
8 September 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.220
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” The Matrimandir Camp Group meditation in the meditation room of the camp on Thursdays at 8.25 p.m., subject to change in place and time in special circumstances, has Mother’s blessings.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.223
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Piero’s letter about the next phases of the Matrimandir construction. He wants to know whether it should be continued by ourselves or by a contractor.
What does Roger say?
Shyam Sunder: He agrees that it be continued by Piero, preferably with the help of the Ashram engineers, if available.
Mother approves of our continuing the work.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.224
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Chamanlal writes about disharmony between the Madras Institute and Auroville Architectural Office. Today there is a meeting. Blessings prayed for.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.228
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Three Indians have written to Mother for blessings and guidance for Durga Puja during Navaratra at Matrimandir, Mother said, ‘alright’.
” Shyam Sunder informed Mother that the idea is that near the Matrimandir Workshop the place should be cleaned, Durga’s picture be installed and Srei Aurobindo’s ‘Hymn to Durga” be recited. Mother nodded her approval. When asked for further guidance, or if she has to say more about it, she said,
* * *
20 OCTOBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.237
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” At Matrimandir the third pillar is finished. Mother was happy to know. Day before yesterday when Shyam Sunder went to Matrimandir, there came the idea of starting the work of construction of the twelve meditation rooms and the Matrimandir gardens [Mother was happy].
On the other hand we have no money. There is no money to pay the land already bought, several construction works have stopped, even for the Matrimandir work already done we have borrowed a lakh of Rupees. In spite of this difficulty the idea persists.
Shyam Sunder: I want to know what Mother sees about it.
There is no money at all?
Shyam Sunder: No, Mother.
I see a pressure in the atmosphere… but what to do? Shyam Sunder: I have spoken to the people at Matrimandir, Piero, Alain. There is the difficulty of money. They have asked me to ask Mother if she says ‘yes’. At present, even if one begins, one can begin only slowly.
Are materials necessary?
Shyam Sunder: In the beginning, no, It does not cost much. But towards the end, it will cost a good deal.
[Mother gave her approval for commencing.]
Shyam Sunder: Do I say to the people at Matrimandir that Mother has said Yes?
* * *
25 OCTOBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.239
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” About Matrimandir:
Shyam Sunder: I spoke yesterday to Piero. He says that it is not a question of collaboration or goodwill or faith in Mother. He speaks of financial difficulty, his overwork and increase in work due to change in plans.
Truly, I can’t say what to do. I am no architect, not an expert. Each one is sticking to one’s own point of view. [She shook her hands]. What is the solution?
Shyam Sunder: Piero is the most capable person for the construction. He is necessary for the work. I can try to persuade him, Mother.
And if he is not persuaded?
Shyam Sunder: Then I don’t know.
Try to find out a meeting point, a common base for the work to be done. Shyam Sunder: Yes, Mother, I can try.
[She gave a blessing packet.]
* * *
26 OCTOBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.240
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Yesterday, Shyam Sunder went to Matrimandir, took Piero with him and there was a meeting with the people working there. The talking was done without passion and it is agreed that we should first finish the necessary studies in detail and then start the new areas of work in a few weeks. Mother was pleased to know of it.
* * *
31 OCTOBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.241
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” On a request, Mother gave a message for the Matrimandir workers.
Sources: MoA, p.75; CWM, XIII, p.223; AMW, p.447; DML, p.241
I can work with you only if you do not say a lie and are at the service of Truth.
* * *
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.242
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:] ” Mother said that Huta will be the guardian of Matrimandir. For her a residence is to be built in one of the twelve gardens there. She has given money also for it. Shyam Sunder said that when Roger comes back, he will speak to him about it and get it settled.
* * *
14 NOVEMBER 1972
Original language: English
First publication: MTL 1974
Sources: MTL, p.31
Huta: Didn’t I pray to You in 1965 when You appointed me guardian of the Matrimandir that I would not step into the Sacred Temple until and unless I became perfectly pure and worthy? And with a smile You said: “You will be…” and I was relieved. Yes, have faith.
Love and blessings.
* * *
21 DECEMBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.255
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Piero has written about the violents threats of K. Shyam Sunder has to communicate Mother’s advice to the person concerned:
You must conquer your bad temper.
[Incidentally Mother remarked]
Auroville is not a shelter for murderers
* * *
22 DECEMBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.255
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:] ” In reply to Mary Helen’s query about the Japanese garden, Mother said:
It is to be naturally in the Japanese way.
* * *
29 DECEMBER 1972
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.257
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s notes:]
” Piero’s letter to Mother: He mentions two points about the Matrimandir construction: i) not getting drawings from madras engineers and Roger, ii) his ill-health.
Mother gave a blessing packet with Sri Aurobindo’s picture. Regarding drawings Shyam Sunder said he is no more hurt as before by these delays although the work suffers.
* * *
New Year Message:
When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time, you are conscious of the Divine.
2 JANUARY 1973
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.261
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” Narad can write an article on the Matrimandir Nursery for the Lalbagh Journal [Bangalore’s Botanical Garden], but he should not quote Mother unless it is in writing.
* * *
19 JANUARY 1973
Reported after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: MTL, 1974
Sources: MTL, p.32; AMW, p.455
[Answer to Huta who again asks Mother whether the Matrimandir would be built according to Mother’s vision:]
* * *
22 JANUARY 1973
Notes written after a conversation
Original language: English
First publication: DML, 1996
Sources: Down Memory Lane, p.267
[Entry in Shyam Sunder’s Notes:]
” The Madras engineers working upon the architectural design of Matrimandir say: “What is the assurance that there will be no further