Auroville exists only once in the world….

Some weeks ago as the crisis unfolded and the stay order was imposed on Auroville without any warning, I received a letter from a longtime friend of Auroville from AVI Germany which I am sharing here.

I have held this letter to my heart, to see just what Auroville means to people across the world.  The hope it carries is like a treasure in the lives and dreams of people who cannot be here but who are part of this adventure nevertheless, from far or near, shining the light of Auroville wherever they are. As Aurovilians we hold this treasure in trust, as willing servitors, for humanity as a whole. It is not ours to stop, or falsify, or divide.

Dear All, 

When I heard the news from Auroville,tears welled up in my eyes.

I cannot express in words how desperate this makes me.

I thought long and hard about writing something about this, because I have seen, read and experienced a lot in Auroville in the last 30 years.

I thought that after all this time it should be possible for the Aurovillians to come to some common understanding, at least to make a start.

If not in Auroville, where else should it be? In Auroville a small but very fine difference to the rest of the world should be possible. 

The Divine has no, really no limits and so many more (not to say “all possibilities”) possibilities than man can ever fathom. THEY can even work with governments. 

Also there are no limits for them.

So why is it that we humans have no faith in what we see every day, what we relate to every day in Auroville, whose earth Aurovillians get to walk on every day.

We read, try to live what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have taught us.

Where is the value, if we don´t.

The Mother has given us Auroville – what a gift – what an opportunity – it exists only once in the world

So what do we want? 

The endless quarrels among ourselves, the constant resistance, the resentment among each other and against each other should at least become less at some point. 

In my view, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo cannot work like this.

Nothing will stay as it is.

So why don’t we have faith? 

We relate to THEM, to what they have left behind and when faced with difficulties of any colour we have nothing to offer but to argue, to fight, to compete, to use violent language against each other, to outdo each other with comments and phrases and words that bring us apart instead of bringing us together. Creating Auroville together, building the city together, that is what I thought Auroville was also about.

If in building a city, a road – mind you it is just a road – roads are built, changed and rebuilt, changed again and rebuilt again….redesigned and built and rebuilt again….. thousands every day in the world – 

In Auroville a common ground cannot be found – and the construction of a road can move such riots – what is it to become? 

It is also about how and that a common ground is found and we develop the capacity to do that. Or is it not? 

What will it become in the future – in other projects?

The Mother wanted a city – no much more – she gave us the unique opportunity on the way to building a city – to develop ourselves – to see if at least a few appropriate people can gather there to create a possibility to prepare the next leap of consciousness – and to live it in a city – built by consciousness, where the soil is saturated with consciousness, where the buildings are constructed by people in love with the vision of building such a city together in peace.

It is only possible together in peace – otherwise we do not have to get up even.

We are all allowed to have a part in this and contribute something.

If we open quarrels like this for every project in Auroville and sink into them and feed divisions like this for decades and decades to come, what will we leave behind for the children, what will they do, what kind of city will this become?

This is exactly what they want. 

If we are not able at least to begin to build a little bit of the city in the way of this actually immense opportunity she gave us – to what will we look upon physically and spiritually? 

In deep surrender and everlasting love for Auroville.


Sustainability–a new goal for Auroville?

Auroville will become what it must be only if and when the people living there will stop lying.

The Mother.March 18th,1973

Sustainability – a new goal for Auroville?

One hears the word sustainability a lot these days.. It is used in all types of contexts by all types of people and probably means different things to different people.Technically it is a term used by economists and policy makers to denote a concern for the environment including all natural resources that are needed by man to sustain himself.It underlines the concern for sustaining and preserving all natural resources needed by men for their life and ensuring that they are used in a way that they are replenished and not destroyed.

Translated into more common usage I would define it as meaning a lifestyle for human beings that draws for its sustenance as much of material as is needed for a simple lifestyle and which can be replenished or replaced in some form or another. It implies a conscious control of human greed. It implies conscious holding back of the forces of development and money that seek more and more profit for their owners. Stated in this way sustainability is another way of saying “a simple life” which is also what Mother wanted for Auroville.

The point I am trying to make is that while sustainable development is a natural consequence of Auroville’s values it is not the principal aim.Those who are projecting Auroville as such are lying.

Auroville has aims that speak of transformation.The very first line of the Auroville Charter speaks of being a willing servitor of Divine Consciousness.The last line of the Charter speaks of achieving Human Unity.Those who have read The Ideal Of Human Unity by Sri Aurobindo know that Human Unity in the context of the vision of Mother and Sri Aurobindo means a spiritual transformation and nothing else.

Even scientists are coming to that conclusion.Here is a statement by one,”I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss,ecosystem collapse and climate change.

I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems.

But I was wrong.The top environmental problems are selfishness,greed and apathy…..

……and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation.

…..and we scientists dont know how to do that.”Gus Speth

Universal Township

Dear Auroville Residents,

A number of us have come together alarmed by the current situation in Auroville. We find that the idea of building a township, which is the central project of the Mother for Auroville is increasingly put in question. We find that the idea that the galaxy plan needs to be revised as per the wishes of some of the present Auroville residents has gained ground. There is also an increasing sense of territorialism whereby the development of Auroville needs to be “negotiated” with “stewards” who seem to feel that they are free to change township plans as they wish.

Like many others in Auroville we are alarmed at the idea that lands are being encroached upon without any effective counter resistance to these encroachments. We are alarmed that there are speculators hovering around Auroville wanting to use Auroville and its neighbourhood for lucrative development projects. We are alarmed that no concrete steps have been taken to protect the land of Auroville although there were and are options for statutory land use regulation, which is the only way to ensure this protection.

We are also alarmed that the economy of Auroville increasingly develops in a direction that deviates from the economy that the Mother had envisaged for Auroville. In the Mother’s vision Auroville would be a self-supporting township without exchange of money between its residents while all basic needs would be taken care of. We are far away from this ideal.

We notice that the above concerns are shared by many . A number of us would like to work on creating a movement of change with a focus on the realisation of the Auroville township both in terms of its physical development and the realisation of the social, economic, educational, cultural and other dimensions of the socio-economic fabric of the township in accordance with the spiritual vision and ideals given by the Mother. We welcome all Aurovilians to join hands in the pursuit of these and other objectives given by the Mother.

The group is called Universal Township with email ID welcome suggestions from everyone committed to realise the Auroville vision given by the Mother in all its dimensions.In this sense all Aurovilians are members of this group.We invite suggestions,questions and offers of collaboration.

Anandi,Aryamani,Devasmita,Divya(karun),Jacqueline,Louis Cohen,Joseba,Sanjeev,Satyakam
on behalf of the group.

Who will Compensate Auroville for its losses?

For over a year now the Forest Group and the Youth Centre (YC) have opposed the clearing of the Crown (ROW) and the laying of an electrical cable alongside it. Arguments have been heard from their side justifying their claim that the Crown should not pass through the YC or the Bliss Forest. The TDC has replied to their arguments explaining why it is necessary to clear the circular Crown right-of-way (RoW) as provided for in the master plan. Almost 300 Aurovilians have written a letter of support to the TDC requesting them to continue their work. The Secretary of the Auroville Foundation has also directed the TDC to complete the task of clearing the master plan RoWs and to lay the HT cable along its designated path along the cleared Crown RoW. He has also directed that other master plan RoWs must be cleared. When the TDC sent a team to survey and mark the Crown, YC residents told them that they are not welcome there and that no survey should take place. One member of the Forest Group had remarked in a posting that proceeding with the work may lead to violence (“We seem to be heading for a violent clash. When the TDC orders the JCB to cut through the YC it will be hard to find peaceful space for dialogue and mutual understanding”).

The defiant blocking of the progress of the development work of building the Township goes against the fundamental structure of the Auroville Foundation Act, the provisions of which govern the functioning of the Auroville Foundation.

How is one to deal with such a situation? It was never expected that Aurovilians would act against Auroville. Hence this situation is new and needs some thinking on what to do.

For those who do not know the background of the TDC here is a brief history of the creation of the TDC.

The Auroville Master Plan provides for the establishment of a “Town Development Council” with an organisation structure as given in Appendix V of the Master Plan (page 108). The Auroville Master Plan also provides for a “Prescribed Authority” to be established by the Auroville Foundation for the implementation of the Master Plan.  In the Standing Order by which the TDC was established by the Governing Board in May 2011, the TDC was also designated as the “Prescribed Authority” for implementation of the Master Plan. The Standing Order by which the TDC was established was amended in June 2019 to take care of a technical detail.

The Governing Board has been given the mandate of ensuring development of Auroville in accordance with the Auroville Master Plan as per section 17(e) of the Auroville Foundation Act. With the establishment of the TDC, the Governing Board undertakes this responsibility through the TDC. Residents of Auroville are expected to take part in the planning and development of Auroville as also shown in the organisation diagram of the TDC on page 108 of the Master Plan document.

The TDC Standing Order makes a reference to l’avenir d’Auroville as follows: “Since the name “L’avenir d’Auroville” was given by the Mother for the Township Planning, developing and building the organisation; the Council shall retain it and may use the expression “Auroville Town Development Council – L’avenir d’Auroville” in its internal communications”.

Getting back to the situation of blocking the progress of the works of TDC, here are some thoughts:

The Mother has told us: “No big creation is possible without Discipline – individual discipline, group discipline, discipline towards the Divine” (16-09-1968).

Could it be that far too many people have entered Auroville who do not have any faith in Mother’s idea of Auroville and want to replace Her idea with their own? If that is so then what should be done? From various communications, postings and meetings it appears that increasingly residents of Auroville seem to think that they are the “clients” of the TDC and that the township is to be built as per their wishes rather than acting as volunteers who build the Mother’s town, where she is the “client” and we are the workers.

The blocking of the work of the town development infrastructure has caused financial losses to Auroville. An issue arises about who will compensate Auroville for these losses. There is an urgent need to hold the people causing these losses accountable and liable to compensate Auroville.

Another related issue arises from this and similar incidents: Many individuals, institutions and corporations have provided donations and grants to Auroville. The Government of India has also provided grants for the development of the Auroville Township. The project of the Auroville Township has been detailed in various brochures that describe Auroville as well as the master plan that sets out how the Auroville Township is to be developed. These brochures have been circulated amongst donors who have contributed for this purpose. Land has been purchased with this plan in mind. Equipment and materials have been purchased to develop the township, including its infrastructure, as per this plan. To use the land for purposes other than for which it was purchased creates a criminal liability towards those who have donated. The people who have encroached upon the land and put it to some other use need to be held accountable and liable under the law of the land.

A reading of the minutes of the meetings of the Governing Board confirms that the Governing Board on numerous occasions had called for accelerating the development of the Auroville township including the preparation of detailed development plans. In their meeting of 8th September 2019, the Governing Board noted that the true experiment of Auroville will only start when Auroville is a vibrant township with 50,000 residents. The Board further noted: “All programs and projects of the Auroville Foundation will henceforth be aligned with the larger program of building the Auroville township within a time frame and as per the Auroville Master Plan.”

However, these directives and guidelines have been flouted specially in relation to the structure and functioning of the Town Development Council, compliance with the Auroville Master Plan and consistent and continuous engagement with the Tamil Nadu Government for the creation of a statutory land use regulation mechanism.  

A masterly continuous argumentation over some issue or the other causing long delays and effectively annulling the directives of the Governing Board has been a strategy used to good effect. Some members of Auroville working groups are seen openly taking sides with those who oppose the Galaxy Concept and the Master Plan based on it, and with those who block the clearing of the Crown and other master plan RoWs and the installation of infrastructure services. In effect they use their position to support the blockage against the work of the TDC rather than assisting with the development of the Auroville Township.

This leads to the following reflections:

1.  What are the consequences for either individuals or a working group that causes financial loss to Auroville? Since no machinery exists within Auroville to claim compensation for losses caused to Auroville, do we use the ordinary legal machinery of the civil and criminal courts to claim this compensation? If we do not want to use the ordinary legal machinery then what are the other ways to deal with this ?There is a need to think about this before it is too late and things go out of our hand.

2. Auroville is being built with financial support in the form of donations and grants, which are given by people who have been touched by the vision of the Mother of her Township. Should there be any consequences for individuals or groups of individuals who covertly or overtly work against the township plans? Since there does not seem to be any mechanism in Auroville to deal with such actions, should Auroville act under ordinary law where such acts may be perceived and treated as cheating and misappropriation, which are criminal offences? Would Auroville need to resort to such measures when the need arises?

Myths and Facts about the Auroville Township

There is a lot of misleading information being spread about the central circle in the Galaxy Plan ( called the Crown),the Master Plan,the purpose of Auroville etc.both inside and outside Auroville.Friends in Delhi have reported having received letters with such information.At the risk of repetition some of us have compiled the facts as we know them to help anyone who wants to verify  what is being spread around.


In Auroville we must achieve human unity and spiritual growth before the township gets built. The material township must be the outer expression of the spiritual growth of the present residents.


The Mother made it clear in 1971 that there is no such division between spirituality and material life. She wanted disciplined workers to build her town. Please see below.

Q: To what extent does the building of Auroville depend on man’s acceptance of spirituality?

“The opposition between spirituality and material life, the division between the two, has no meaning for me, for in truth life and the spirit are one and it is in and by physical work that the highest spirit must manifest”. [19-04-1968]

“Auroville is in the construction stage and disciplined workers are needed.

Those who do not want or are not able to follow a discipline should not be here at present.

Good will, sincerity and discipline are indispensable qualities for those who want to be Aurovilians”. [23-04-1971]


Auroville could not even have started if “spiritual growth first” would have been a precondition. Spiritual growth and the growth of the township go hand-in-hand. There is no “first” and “after”. The township is meant to become a “laboratory of evolution”.

The statement “spiritual growth and human unity first” displays a culture of double standards. Persons who make these statements do so after theyhave comfortably settled in Auroville, when the houses in which they live and the roads leading to these houses have been built and after electricity, water and internet have been provided to them. To bring up the precondition of building the city only after one has been taken care of, is applying double standards. Essentially one says that now that we are comfortable, the door for others is closed. “Do not disturb us in our comfort” is the message.

The disciplined workers who the Mother had called for seem to have become undisciplined land lords with double standards and high levels of hypocrisy.


Auroville is meant to grow organically. No (detailed) plans must be prepared now. We shall see how Auroville unfolds.


The Mother appointed Roger Anger as the Architect of Auroville to prepare detailed plans. Please see message below.

“Now I have my overall plan, I am waiting for Roger to draw the detailed plans, for I had said from the beginning: “Roger will be the architect”, and I wrote to Roger”.

The Mother wanted the architects and engineers to stop discussing and questioning the town plans and instead help with the building of the town. Please see message below.


The Mother did not approve the Crown and therefore the Crown and the Crown road are not essential parts of the galaxy plan / master plan.


The Mother did not approve separately the individual components of the galaxy plan (Crown, radials, zones, sectors, lines of force). She approved the entire plan after having worked on it for three years with Roger. When she has approved the entire plan and asked Roger to work on the details, the question of the Mother approving individual plan components does not arise. 

The Mother appointed Roger as the architect to prepare the detailed drawings. 

The galaxy plan drawings of 1968, the master plan document prepared by the Residents Assembly and the Auroville Master Plan as notified by the Auroville Foundation all show the Crown with the Crown road as a perfect circle.


The galaxy concept and master plan are outdated and does not address today’s climate change issues. 


In a note of 1965 that Roger had prepared for the Mother on the township he states the following about cars: “The reign of cars has conditioned the urbanism of the 20th century and continues to tyrannize it”.  Please see Roger’s note below with Mother’s comment written in the margin. Clearly, the Mother and Roger were way ahead of their times.

Roger: “The mobility principle in Auroville must be defined right now. Shall we allow the presence of cars! Probably in just a few years India will know, same as Europe and the US, the major urban problem the automobile is. The reign of cars has conditioned the urbanism of the 20th century and continues to tyrannize it. Although outdated, and everybody knows it, still the automobile strives at its best to create hell inside the cities and kill the outskirts. Therefore, the option to follow is to forbid and suppress the usage of this means of transportation within the town – and replace it by another, more hygienic, less cumbersome and noisy, more aesthetical, maybe newer if possible”. 

The Mother writes in the margin of the note: 

“Small size electrically powered vehicles, capable of transporting about 200 Kg at a speed of 15 km/h”.  

Plans for renewable energy were made and implemented already in the early years of Auroville. 

Auroville pioneered grid-connected solar energy systems in 2012. These pioneering efforts contributed to the formulation of the solar energy policies in several states in the country.

Auroville has implemented the first two phases of a Smart Mini Grid with distributed solar energy generation and storage, smart metering and (remote) demand side management systems. Ministry of Power (National Smart Grid Mission) of the Government of India has endorsed the project.

The electricity master plan that was prepared in 2014 (on the basis of the Auroville Master Plan) is designed to integrate distributed renewable energy generation and storage systems.


There is nothing in the Auroville Master plan that prevents the Auroville township from becoming a sustainable township. It has already been demonstrated that interconnected systems of solar energy generation and storage can contribute to a sustainable energy future for Auroville.

It has also been demonstrated that e-cycles are a viable alternative to motorcycles and cars.

The problem is not with the township infrastructure plans but with the behaviour and lifestyle of the present Auroville residents, including the residents who question the master plan:

  • Water consumption in Auroville is 400l per capita (source: the TDC). About five times the average per capita consumption in urban India and ten times the consumption in rural India. 
  • There are a few hundred private cars in Auroville and more than 1,500 motorcycles. These vehicles are used by persons who are fit to use a cycle or e-cycle.
  • The response to global warming in Auroville has not been a change to a less energy intensive lifestyle but just the opposite. Per capita electricity consumption in Auroville increased by 109.9% in the period 2012-2013 to 2019-2020. The per capita electricity consumption increased by a whopping 70.7% in that period. Auroville increasingly became a lifestyle destination rather than a place for the change of life.
  • Every year hundreds of Auroville residents travel abroad, mainly during the hot summer months. For a round trip to Europe the CO2 emission is 2.6t. For a round trip to the USA the number is 4.7t (average of travel to the USA east coast and west coast). Assuming that 300 persons travel to Europe and 300 persons to the USA every year, the annual footprint of these trips comes to 2,200t per annum. Auroville would need to install another 1.6 MW of solar PV systems to offset this emission. With the money spent on flight tickets every year accommodation for 45 youth or 900 kW of additional solar energy capacity can be built.

What does all of this say about the climate-consciousness of the present residents? Is the problem with the master plan or with the lifestyle of the present residents?


The Crown RoW (right of way) and other master plan RoWs occupy vast areas of land.


Right of WayPercentage of Master Plan land area
Crown RoW0.36%
Outer Ring RoW0.63%
12 radials + IZ loop + 1 link road0.67%


Can the stewards and custodians of the Auroville township land not even manage to keep 1.64% of the master plan area free from buildings and trees?


The Auroville Universal Township Master Plan is not binding on the Auroville Foundation and the Auroville residents who may develop Auroville as they wish.


The Auroville Master Plan was approved by the Ministry of HRD on 12thApril 2001 (letter No. F.27-3/2000-UU). The Auroville Master Plan was notified in the Government of India gazette on 16-08-2010.

For the realisation of the Auroville Master Plan funds have been raised (and are being raised) and land was purchased. 

Under section 17(e) of the Auroville Foundation Act, the  Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation has to ensure that Auroville is developed in accordance with the Master Plan. 

A Decision—-Finally

A Decision –  Finally

6th Nov 2021

There have been decades of discussion of how to implement the Master Plan or even whether to implement it or not. The net result of these endless discussions is that no major town development as per the Master Plan has taken place.

There were efforts to get statutory land use protection in place since 2002. These were also blocked on the ground that there will then be  government interference. Those who blocked  these efforts have not come up, or implemented a viable alternative solution. As a result  we can see speculators surround Auroville to find how best they can make a lucrative deal for themselves. The situation has become critical so much so that the Government of India  has decided to intervene once again, as it did before in 1980.

The Chairman of the Auroville Foundation announced some of the decisions taken by the Governing Board during the meeting of the GB with the Aurovilians on 2nd November, 2021. While we await the recording of the Chairman’s speech and the minutes of the meeting of the Governing Board, here is the gist of some of the statements made:

  • The fact that Auroville has only 3,000 residents after 50 years of existence is an indicator to  many that it is a failing project. The Government will not allow Mother’s dream to fail.Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy cannot be a failed philosophy.
  • We would like to see Auroville as a magnet that attracts people with an aspiration from all over the world.Auroville does not belong to any particular group of people.   
  • On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo let us dedicate ourselves to the building of the Auroville township and the realisation of the ideals given by the Mother.                   
  • The Governing Board is committed to the realisation of the Auroville ideals given by the Mother and the building of the Auroville township as per the Auroville Master Plan. This has to be done within a timeframe and with the collaboration of all Aurovilians.                      
  • Any trees  that are needed to be removed during the construction of the township will be planted elsewhere in the township area or in the forest areas of the Greenbelt of Auroville.        
  • Any structures that need to be replaced will have to be relocated and built elsewhere.              
  • There is an invitation for all to collaborate.

A positive decision has now been taken, putting to rest arguments and debates dividing Auroville residents in connection with the building of the Auroville Township. Let us collaborate and start a new phase in the realisation of Auroville .

Much Ado About Nothing

Just heard the interview by Sam Daniel of NDTV of Suhasini first and then Joel and Sindhuja.His conclusion after hearing both parties—Much Ado About Nothing.

It is clear that the more we go outside the more ridiculous we appear to the world outside and the more ridicule we bring upon The Mother and Sri Aurobindo who are highly respected and revered  in India and who are known as the founders of Auroville…

I appeal to all to stop running to the Media.And to stop making a spectacle of ourselves and our Gurus..

On Why a Big No to the Proposed RAD

On why a big no to the proposed RAD

The resident assembly is a creation of the Auroville Foundation Act and needs to be governed by the provisions of the act. The distribution of powers between the 3 authorities named in the act– a governing board, the resident assembly and the International advisory Council are well defined in the act. The governing board in its recent meeting has laid out detailed provisions for the implementation of the master plan. The proposed RAD wants to stop all work on the implementation of the master plan. Such an action is in clear defiance of the governing board and its role in the affairs of Auroville.

Auroville has demonstrated its ability to take on any administration that does not do what it wants. The same tactics that were used against the SAS are now being used against the office of the Auroville foundation. It consists of blocking any action on the lands of Auroville by gathering a crowd of people.The spreading of lies with half truths on the social media is a new weapon used this time. The ATDS were effectively blocked do a survey even before the new secretary took office. It is clear and obvious that there are a few people behind these actions who have no intention of allowing Mothers project to be built although they keep giving lip service to the idea that they are not against building the city but only want to take care of environmental considerations. Almost 30 years have passed since Auroville was taken away from the society and handed over to the Aurovilians. There is very little to show by the Aurovilians by way of land protection or building the township of Auroville.

I have no idea of how to deal with the hooliganism displayed at the site of the clearing of the Crown ways or in the corridors of the Town Hall. I also have no idea of how to deal with the onslaught on the social media. I have no idea how to deal with the idea that Auroville is not the Mothers project and it is for the community of those who live there to decide everything. Since in my view Auroville is Mother’s project I have faith that she knows how to deal with what is going on.

So far as this RAD event is concerned I request all Aurovilians to have a look at the Auroville foundation act and educate themselves about the limits of the powers of the resident assembly.

Let us work for the manifestation of the city of Dawn our Auroville City

By Lavkamad

Dear friends,

I am very much worried about the petition to the RA to stop all work on the crown road thus to block the development of Auroville for coming years. 

If this petition is passed by the RA than any development in Auroville will be blocked for years, since to revoke the stop, we would need another RA with an unknown outcome!

This can’t be a solution, and this is not in line with the dream of the mother and the Charter of Auroville. This would lead to another escalation between the AVF and few Aurovilians.

With this letter I appeal to all Aurovilian to be aware of the consequences such a petition would have on Auroville future!

This petition is the best way to kill the City of Dawn, experiment on Human Unity.  It would show that we have failed the test on Human Unity and the growth on the path of Consciousness! 

We have an opportunity to build the city of Dawn and a choice either to miss this opportunity and taking the path of confrontation or to take the opportunity to build the city.

I am having understanding for the feelings of the few, who are being displaced. Can’t we forget the past and what has happened and look forward! 

We all have learnt on our spiritual journey that the present moment is the only true moment. Clinging to the past leads nowhere! 

Therefore, it is essential for the future of Auroville to work on a solution now instead of going for another confrontation!

How it can be?

  1. 1st Step is to introspect our role and share in the conflict.
  2. 2nd Step is trying to understand the role, responsibility and limited degree of freedom an IAS officer have once a rule has been passed! 

·      Try to understand that once the masterplan is published in a Gazette it becomes a rule of the Govt. of India, officers are bound to follow the rules and don’t have the freedom to work around it, without being questioned! 

·      This is my personal experience while working with Govt. officers over past 17 years! We all are obliged to follow the rules of our host country i.e. India! 

·      It will take years to make an amendment to the masterplan.

  1. We should also accept that AVF secretary Dr. Jayanti and the members of GB too are  devotees of the Mother and Shri Aurobindo, thus they too had a good intention to work on the manifestation of the city as published in the Gazette. We have no reason to doubt their integrity!
  2. Pl. introspect, is it worth to risk the development of the town because someone in our community is of the opinion that a certain tree or waterbody can’t be displaced! 
  3. Can we build living or working space in Auroville without cutting a tree? Don’t we have hardly any space left without a tree! Just to remind; Haven’t been a 4 acre forest area cleaned for the Frisbee sportsground few years back? Was RA asked to take a decision? 
  1. To work on a solution let us change the perspective:
    1. The hardware i.e. buildings, infrastructure, land, buildings for educational institutions or Multiversity, Cripa, Exhibition space, forest etc. is the body of the city, which need to be manifested as soon as possible for the soul of Auroville to grow and to manifest itself! 
    2. We the Aurovilians are the soul of the city, we the Aurovlians brings life in the city and not the building alone through our consciousness, through our work, arts, music, R&D, education, Implementing the Philosophy of Shri Aurobindo, meditation, and work on integral Yoga! When the body is manifested, many scholars from all over the world on the path of consciousness would be able to live, stay and contribute for the spiritual growth of the city. 
  2. Govt. of India is ready to invest huge amount of money in the manifestation of the body of our city of Dawn. The body of Auroville was planned by the Mother and designed by Roger as per her Guidance! The Mother must have had the vision how the body of Auroville should be for the soul or the kind of spirit to reside in the body of Auroville! Do we know better how the body of the city should be and want to change the design of the body? If the body is changed wouldn’t it had an impact on the soul of the city? 

We the Aurovilians have the task to work on the growth of the soul of Auroville i.e.   consciousness i.e. the path of integral Yoga and to live the Charter of Auroville in spirit! 

Let us work on Human Unity, living without ownership, practicing detachment, accepting the other being as equal and not as an enemy, living in the presence, on unending education, on R&D on innovation in collaboration with institutions from all over the world! Let us work on the spirit of Auroville and leave the manifestation of the body of Auroville to the GOI represented by the GB and AVF! 

Let us cooperate with AVF in the manifestation of the body and concentrate ourselves on the manifestation of the soul of the city!

With gratitude we should accept, that for the 1st time in last 17 years a secretary of AVF is taking initiative and mobilizing Govt. funds for the manifestation of the body of Auroville city.

Do we all know the way Divine work to manifest ? If that has not been the Divine Will, I am sure Dr. Jyanti would not be here! Let us surrender to the Divine Mother and accept her gifts to us in whatever way and through whom it is given! 

Let Dr. Jyanti do her duty and let us concentrate on our duty to bring life in the body of the city. 

Let us unite in the manifestation of the city in trust and faith in the Divine to give us wisdom! 

Om Shanti!


Let us work for the development of Auroville and forget the past

by Lavkamad

Dear friends.

As I understood, every one agrees that the galaxy model should be implemented as it was approved by the Mother!

Every one agrees to work for the growth of Auroville! 

 I believe that a city of 3-5K habitant is not sustainable, especially when we look at the current economy of Auroville! 

The current economy is Gastro and Spa economy instead of knowledge based economy.

We are not moving in the direction of unending education…. as per the Charter of Auroville!

We don’t have any institution of higher education or R&D. Education and R&D needs lot of funding.

Let us look at where do we need growth and where we are currently not moving in the right direction.

We all need infrastructure for the development, we all need housing , we all need education institutions, health care facilities, work places where we can raise our potential and consciousness, where we can practice unending education, R&D, we need economy to support our activities. 

We all know that the trees have to be cut, water bodies need to be shifted to build the city of 50000 habitant. We would need also space for Education Institutions, we would need space for R&D, we would need space for workplace or industry or for knowledge economy! 

The dream weaver is a team of experts and let them work on the detail plan! But for the detail plan they too need some fixed points such as Galaxy model, crwon road etc. If we put this in question, we are asking them to begin from the whole process from the scratch and forget all about the Galaxy etc. We all know that it may takes years to finalize and get approval of it! 

But what of City would come out of such an excercise? Would it be the right city for the place to develop consciousness? Would it be the city of vision of the Mother? 

We can’t begin again from the scratch and ask each and every one how the Masterplan should be! In my 50 years in Germany in Hamburg, I have seen that the masterplan was made by the Town  Development Authority e.g. development of the harbour area and the same may be true for the development of the London Harbour city!

Currently few are raising  questions on the ivalidty of the masterplan of 1999, which was  approved by the then RA. The detail plan is to be developed and this task has been taken over by the dearm weaver and is being supported and funded by the GOI.  I believe that this is the right approach, instead of beginning from the scratch!

Currently the Govt. of India which has its focus on the development of the country is willing to spent money to build the city on the base of the approved masterplan of 1999!

What I know is that the planned budget of 1000 Crore is for the buying the land, to build the infrastructure and for the housing. But no funds are for higher educational institutions, to build facilities to conduct R&D in Auroville,to promote entrepreneurs, for creating knowledge economy etc. 

Why don’t we ask the GOI e.g. to build an Institute of higher education based on integral education and Integral Yoga for academic and R&D in Auroville itself! Once we have such an Instution in Auroville we will be on the path of unending education R&D, innovation from within and without! Pl. understand that every where in the  world education & R&D institutions are either supported by the Govt. or owned by the private industry or financed by them. I would rather prefer institutions supported by the Govt. rather then by a private company ! 
Auroville would never have finances to run an institute of higher education and R&D! Here we would always depends on Govt. 

Instead of fighting for a diversion in the crown road or for few trees , we should fight for better facilities which would enable us to find, how to achieve human unity, how our education system should be for the consiousbeing, how our wholistic approach in R& D should be at the time of climate change, how should our green building be designed, how we can find solutions to protect environment  etc. etc. in short work on solutions for the betterment of human development and the earth as our living space!

Let us fight for the right cause and not for a diversion in crown road to save one or another tree or a waterbody!