Towards human unity 

“A new spirit of oneness will take hold of the human race…”

Towards unity?

Vasudhaiva kudumbakam, said the ancient Indians: the world is one family.

The ideal of human unity, which was already present at the dawn of civilisation, has never appeared so close to realisation, but paradoxically the closer we come to it, the more it seems to elude us. It is as if at the onset of the 21st century the need for human unity has never been so great, and yet quite often this very unity, seen as inevitable, is perceived as somewhat threatening.

World in crisis

We speak of mondialisation, of globalisation, and in the same breath we deplore the dangers of uniformity.. We speak of democracy as a universal ideal and of the progress of all nations towards it as irreversible, and yet at the same time this democratic model is perceived as a system imposed by some nations on others. We are facing environmental problems which threaten the very survival of our planet. We are aware of ‘global warming’ and a decrease in the finite resources of the planet, and we know that in order to tackle these common problems the individual nation-state is not an adequate institution anymore. But the very concept of a supra-national body is perceived as a possible infringement on the sovereignty of the nation-state, won in numerous cases after many decades – or longer – of struggle and pain.

Erasure of cultures

We claim that today’s world is a global village, because technological progress has made our earth very small, and news can instantly reach every inhabitant of the earth through the highroad of information. But there is the fear that this global village culture may erase the diverse cultures of the earth; indeed it is argued that there is already an immense drive towards uniformity of life habits and uniformity of knowledge.

Economic front

On the economic front, the much-talked-about liberalisation process is seen by many as an attempt to impose everywhere a model only suited to some countries, and to spread everywhere a culture of consumerism. A computer for everyone and bread for only one quarter of the world population; is this the goal towards which we are advancing?


In the 19th century, intellectuals saw the progress of science as the great factor which would lead to the unification of mankind, since science was a thing common to all men in its conclusions and was international in its very nature; but we know now that science can be misused, and is being misused, to discover more and more means of destruction. We have lost faith in science as a panacea for all evils, but what is there to replace it?

Biggest obstacle

We know that egoism is the biggest obstacle to a life of harmony and peace on earth, but after so many centuries of civilisation no amount of religious preaching or moral teaching has been able to convince the ego to forego its claims, as to speak to him of fraternity is to speak to him of something fundamentally contrary to his nature.

Need for real unity

Therefore it appears that although we are moving somewhat reluctantly towards a kind of unification, this is not a process likely to solve the many acute problems of the earth, nor will the envisaged unity answer the deeper needs and aspirations of the human being. In fact, we have begun to understand that if we want to preserve the freedom for man to develop and grow in all liberty, this unity cannot be built through mechanical means. It cannot be achieved as long as man does not recognise a real unity between man and man; it cannot be arrived at through social and mechanical devices; and we have even started to realise that if its aim is not to bring about a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind, this unity is hardly desirable.

Man will be surpassed

It becomes therefore urgent to understand what this unity is towards which we feel pushed in spite of ourselves. Man is a transitional being, said Sri Aurobindo shortly after the first World War, evolution continues and man will be surpassed. Not only did Sri Aurobindo foresee the next step in the evolution of man, but he told us how to participate in it: instead of remaining a passive spectator in a painful and incomprehensible process, we could consciously collaborate in our own evolution and break free of our seemingly inextricable bonds.

Using inner means

But for this, we have to reverse the process, said Sri Aurobindo, and instead of using external means, we have to turn inward, because without a change in man’s nature no real changes in the external circumstances are likely to take place. The only way we can move towards unity is to progressively realise that there is a secret Spirit, a divine Reality in which we are all one – not only realise it mentally but discover it in ourselves and live this knowledge. The secret of unity is within, said Sri Aurobindo; the secret of brotherhood is within. There is no unity except by the soul, there is no real brotherhood except in the soul and by the soul. Only when we live from the soul and not from the ego will a real unity reign on earth.

Connecting with the new consciousness

This ‘spiritual age of humanity’ then will represent a transformation in the nature of man as momentous as the appearance of the thinking mind on earth. In the same way as for millennia the mind was the centre of our life, so, in the new age opening for humanity, or ‘supra-mental’ age, the soul will become the centre of all life and activities. A new stage in the evolution of man has already begun; a new consciousness, higher than the mind, a truth-consciousness, as Sri Aurobindo said, in which the dualities, hesitations and limitations of the mind and the greed and blindness of the ego will no longer exist, has already started to appear, and all the upheavals and convulsions that are at present so painfully tearing our earth are the outward signs of this evolutionary crisis. This new consciousness is already at work in the atmosphere of the earth: we can connect with it, we can call it in ourselves, we can use it to transform our entire nature and consequently the world in which we live.

It is in this wide and far-reaching sense that Auroville is dedicated to human unity. All are invited.

Auroville in brief

What is Auroville?

Auroville is a universal township in the making for a population of up to 50,000 people from around the world.

How did Auroville begin?

The concept of Auroville – an ideal township devoted to an experiment in human unity – came to the Mother as early as the 1930s. In the mid 1960s the concept was developed and put before the Govt. of India, who gave their backing and took it to the General Assembly of UNESCO. In 1966 UNESCO passed a unanimous resolution commending it as a project of importance to the future of humanity, thereby giving their full encouragement.

Why Auroville?

The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity – in diversity. Today Auroville is recognised as the first and only internationally endorsed ongoing experiment in human unity and transformation of consciousness, also concerned with – and practically researching into – sustainable living and the future culturalenvironmental, social and spiritual needs of mankind.

When did Auroville start?

On 28th February 1968 some 5,000 people assembled near the banyan tree at the centre of the future township for an inauguration ceremony attended by representatives of 124 nations, including all the States of India. The representatives brought with them some soil from their homeland, to be mixed in a white marble- clad, lotus-shaped urn, now sited at the focal point of the Amphitheatre. At the same time the Mother gave Auroville its 4-point Charter.

Where is Auroville?

Auroville is located in south India, mostly in the State of Tamil Nadu (some parts are in the State of Puducherry), a few kilometres inland from the Coromandel Coast, approx 150 kms south of Chennai (previously Madras) and 10 kms north of the town of Puducherry.

Who are the Aurovilians?

They come from some 59 nations, from all age groups (from infancy to over eighty, averaging around 30), from all social classes, backgrounds and cultures, representing humanity as a whole. The population of the township is constantly growing, but currently stands at around 2,500 people, of whom approx one-third are Indian.

Overview of the city plan

The city layout
The city layout

Peace Area

At the centre of the township lies the Peace Area, comprising the Matrimandir and its gardens, the amphitheatre with the Urn of Human Unity that contains the soil of 121 nations and 23 Indian states, and the project of a lake to help create an atmosphere of calm and serenity and to serve as a groundwater recharge area.

Industrial Zone

A 109-hectare area to the north of the Peace Area, the Industrial Zone, a zone for “green” industries, is focused on Auroville’s efforts towards a self-supporting township. It will contain small and medium-scale industries, training centres, arts and crafts, and the city’s administration.

Residential Zone

The largest of the four city zones, comprising of 189 hectares, the Residential Zone is bordered by parks on the north, south and west. Main access to the zone will be through the crown road with further traffic distribution via five radial roads that divide the zone into sectors of increasing densities. This zone wants to provide a well-adjusted habitat between individual and collective living. 55% of the area will be green and only 45% built surface, thereby creating an urban density balanced by nature.

International Zone

The International Zone, a zone of 74 hectares to the west of the Peace Area, will host national and cultural pavilions, grouped by continents. Its central focus is to create a living demonstration of human unity in diversity through the expression of the genius and contribution of each nation to humanity

Cultural Zone

Planned on a 93-hectare area, situated to the east of the Peace Area, the Cultural Zone will be a site for applied research in education and artistic expression. Facilities for cultural, educational, art and sports activities will be located in this zone.

Green Belt

The city area with a radius of 1.25 km. will be surrounded by a Green Belt of 1.25 km width. As a zone for organic farms, dairies, orchards, forests, and wildlife areas, this belt will act as a barrier against urban encroachment, provide a variety of habitats for wildlife, and serve as a source for food, timber, medicines etc. and as a place for recreation.

Presently an area of 405 hectares, the Green Belt – though incomplete – stands as an example of successful transformation of wasteland into a vibrant eco-system. Its further planned extension with an additional 800 hectares will make it into a remarkable demonstration site for soil and water conservation, ground water recharge, and environmental restoration. As lungs for the entire township, it will complete the healing process that Auroville started several decades ago.

The Galaxy concept of the city

In terms of physical development, Auroville aims at becoming a model of the ‘city of the future’ or ‘the city the earth needs’. It wants to show the world that future realisations in all fields of work will allow us to build beautiful cities where people sincerely looking towards a more harmonious future will want to live.

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Violence in its many forms

Dear friends

I consider myself as pacifist, and are trying to avoid any violence in thoughts and actions.

I have been working in many high tension areas and war zones, and I think I know violence in all its many forms, from the silent, to the verbal to the physical. Everybody tend to focus only on the last, but all forms are violence, and the physical only comes after the first ones. Some people feel fine being very verbally violent as long as they refrain for letting it become physical – but it is the same.

One small early life experience made a huge impact on me. As a young student, I was very outspoken and had a good sharp tongue, and often made fun of people and situations. One evening after having made fun of many people, I was passed up by a big strong guy. He gripped my collar, and said that if I continued making fun of him, he would beat me up. He said I was good with words, and he was not, but I used the words as weapons. HIs only weapon was his physical strength, and he would use it if I continued. His logic hit me very deep, and still do. There is no real difference between verbal violence and physical violence.

I love Auroville and Auroville is my home. But I never seen Auroville as a very peaceful place, despite our spiritual aspirations. Many other cultures and communities I have experienced, are far more peaceful! The way we interact and communicate is pretty harsh. I normally stay out of Auronet as I find it a very violent space. 

I really hope we can step back from entering into physical violence here in Auroville, but would like to remind people that we should also try to lower our non-physical violence. The way we communicate, the way we block each other, the way we refer to each other. To me it is often very violent and uncomfortable. I hope that we can learn from this conflict, and reflect on our way of collaborating and communicating

A larger perspective

Dear Friends

We are all focused on the events taking place right now.

But they are all part of a much larger perspective. It seems to be a conflict  between two different groups in Auroville, but this has been a conflict going on for many years, and nobody has taken any new action. The action comes from the new Governing Board and the Secretary,

I would really want all fellow aurovilians to read very carefully two documents:

The Foundation Act (ready available on Auronet under References)

Last Minutes of The new Governing Board first meeting (posted on Auronet by Working Committee)

The Foundation act is a very precise document stating the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. Everything in Auroville belongs to the Foundation and all structures and decisions are under the acceptance of Foundation?governing Board and Secretary. Our Residence Assembly as well as Working Committe basically only have an advisory function. The final say and control is with Governing Board and Secretary.

I think a lot of Aurovilians are under an illusion that Auroville is a kind of Independent “state” within India with full autonomy. It i for sure not the reality. Our self-governance is given to us from Governing Board and Government of India, on a purely trust basis, and can anytime be revoked.

As a foreigner living in Auroville, I am very grateful for India to allow this International Township to exist. I dont think any other nation would allow it, for sure not my own country, Denmark. And I also fully understand that the condition is not autonomy, but a self-governance given in kind and trust.

So before any aurovilian think about fightning the decisions of Governing Board and Secretary, they should first read the Foundation Act, and plaease also read the minutes of last Governing Board Meeting.

The governing Board meeting is a very clear, surgical analysis, of all problems in Auroville, divided into sectors. And with clear proposals and decision what the Governing Board intends to do. The Crown road is a very small part of this – I repeat a very small part of this!

I will ask you to think back few years. The previous Governing Board, trying to solve the growning problems of Aurovilles dysfunctionality and stagnation. We had our large Retreat, which was a beautiful process ( And I would again like to thank Aroma Revi for his large effort) which brough us all closer, but after the process all was blocked and energy disappeared. 

Meanwhile we had all our bad press with allegations of corruption and misuse of power in Auroville, whis ended up as a serious case in Ministry of Human Ressources, where Auroville is under. So when same ministry had to appoint a full new Governing Board as well as secreatary, I am sure that they were asked to look very carefully into Auroville and its affairs.

So is any of us was appointed to these jobs, we would first, really carefully, read the Foundation acts as well as all the files, including all the Governing Board Meeting notes, which clearly describes the growing dysfunctionality of Auroville. The Foundation act clearly outlines the responsibility of The Governing Board, its members, as well as the Secretary. Besides to keep everything in order and legally correct ( which is another challenge), it is to implement the Master Plan. The new Governing Board members as well as new Secretary of course take their job seriously, so the minutes from forst board meeting, can notb really be a surprise to anyone. And action will of course come accordingly. And Crown road is still just a very small part of this.

Our previous Chairman, Karan Singh, had given us a very long line, adding to the “belief” that we had kind of autonomy. But I ask all to read his message to Auroville, just published, saying that all aurovilians should consider carefully the actions in the last decade, and be aware of the Hammer of God!

So to all my fellow aurovilians, please be fully aware of our situation and options. Fighting agains Governing Board or Secretary will be a futile action, Trying to recall members of working groups or damaging our internal structures, will be just pure self damage. Collaboration is the only way forward – the only way!

In the end we have to come to an acceptance that The Governing Board as well as The Secretary is also OUR Governing Board and OUR Secretary. I know it sound difficult in times of conflict, but it is the only way forward. Each of us can not move much, but together we can!

Reflection on the verge of going into administration

Sitting here in sad mood seeing the first steps of Governing Board exercising their right to give direct orders and taking over administration.

Reflecting upon why is has come to this point – our governing structure in The Foundation Act is a beautiful construction, where a respectful “dance” between the partners should have created the future. Now the dance is stopping and we are back to legal points.

Been going through the vast pile of documents from the last 10 years of “dance” between Governing Board and Auroville. It has been a bit hard, I thought I knew it as I have lived it, but seeing it all in chronological order, it is difficult not to see it as the same story repeating over and over again.

The comprehensive list of issues from Governing Board last meeting, is nothing new, it has been part of meetings for a very long time. There are many beautiful things in Auroville, but our governance systems and compliances are low, and we have not been able to improve them. Each year we have been giving the same excuses, community processes, selection processes, working on it, putting down a study group etc. It is quite embarrassing to see the flow of excuses. And the Governing Board have been patient, very patient. And they have tried many things – putting in experts, we all remember Bankim, Aromar Revi, Doshi amongst other, and tried with workshops and retreats.

 Governing Board have been so patient that we have come to see their non-interference as a “Law of Nature” – that we were the small masters of this micro universe. Maybe this long patience have actually been a disservice to us, as the changes coming now will be much deeper than 5 years ago. The current situation we are in, we only have ourselves to blame.

So finally the Governing Board have lost their patience and are starting exercising their power in accordance with the Foundation Act. And don’t blame the Governing Board or Secretary, I am sure that most of us, if we had been in their seats, would have lost our patience long ago.

How deep this intervention will go all depend on all of us, and how we act as a community. If we come forward in a collaboratory manner, work and change all the issues which we know are there, then the intervention will not go deep.

But if we protest, sabotage or obstruct the intervention will go much deeper.

I really hope we all take this an opportunity to move forward and collaborate. In reality The Foundation is The Governing Board, the International Advisory Committee and RA. Without the 3 columns working together we cannot progress. We aurovilians can not work alone, the last 10 years have clearly shown that, and the others can not work without aurovilians. We all need each other – unity in The Foundation!

Time for some humble introspection for all.

It takes two dance a Tango.

The Dance is not about rules and regulations, but are an act of creation.

For many years we have been dancing the same solo dance, and our partner have been trying to get our attention and into the dance.

Now he lost the patience, and stopped the music.

Now we have to decide upon we will dance together, or we will be standing angry on the side line, while the partner will perform his solo dance for the years to come.

A message from Dr. Karan Singh

Dear Community members,

Please see below a message from Dr. Karan Singh sent to the Working Committee on 21.01.22.

With best regards,

The Working Committee


Dear Working Committee,

Thank you for your New Year greetings.  Despite all the recent tension I sincerely hope that you will move forward with the Secretary in a coordinated manner to start the long and difficult task of building the Aurobindo Township.

Warm regards to you all,

Karan Singh


RAD Outcome – To pause all clearing, infrastructure laying and permanent construction work on the Right of Ways of Crown, Radials…

Dear Residents,

Here are the results of the RAD (voting): “To pause all clearing, infrastructure laying and permanent construction work on the Right of Ways of Crown, Radials and Outer Ring in order to enable the community to define a way forward for Auroville’s development, following:

  • collective processes,
  • the ‘Master Plan: Perspective 2025’ framework,
  • and other relevant regulations.

The outcome shall be approved through a ratified Residents’ Assembly Decision-making process, before the above specified clearing, infrastructure laying and permanent construction work resumes”.

A total of 899 valid votes have been submitted online and in-person. The number of participants exceeded the 10 per cent quorum required to validate the decision (243 votes).*

* Based on data received form the Residents Service, the total adult population of our community eligible to participate in RADs (age – above 18, confirmed Aurovilians) is 2427 (as of the month of January 2022).


89% (803) Aurovilians supported the above proposal.

11% (96) Aurovilians DID NOT support it.

According to the RAD policy, “8. Responsibility for implementing decisions made through this RAD process lies with the concerned working group/s or resident/s”.

Many thanks to all the residents who participated in this decision-making event!

~ With gratitude,
The Residents’ Assembly Service

Response to Outreach Media of Auroville

Dear all, 

I’m writing this on behalf of many concerned residents, in response to the email sent by Fabienne to all the Auroville entities and openly publishing it on the Auronet. 

She has asked 3 questions and here are responses for each one of them.

  1. On what grounds was this decision made?
    Is common sense good enough? Fabienne of Outreach Media went on a blitzkrieg after the MoM of GB was released on the 3rd Dec and action started on the 4th. She frantically reached out to media houses, national and international, planting skewed and sentimental stories, to evoke sensationalism while there was none. Outreach media was set up to manage the misinformation and avoiding detrimental narratives, however in this case, she herself indulged in such actions, which are deplorable given the delicate scenario within the community. The need of the hour was to find solutions within our community, rather than sending SOS messages outside, without giving a second thought to its long term effect, in terms of fundraising, image of India, etc. 
    Auroville Foundation’s Under Secretary Sri Srinivasmurty’s request to Fabienne 1. to restrain from publicity (Dec21), and, 2. move the assets (Jan22) after taking cognizance of the damage it is (or will) creating is timely and appreciable.
  2. Have the 3 bodies that together constitute the Auroville Foundation been consulted and agreed to this decision?
    Conflated sense of self-importance. For every small decision, like transfer of few assets, should all 3 bodies be consulted and wait for the agreement? The community have long drawn processes (which will put the worst kind of bureaucratic systems to shame) and ill-adapted for quick decision-making, calling for such seems to be an excellent instrument to delay. If we follow this argument, and decisions regarding transfer of assets are deemed so important, why were the mentioned 3 bodies not considered, consulted before giving those assets in the first place, and what about the appointment of an executive to this ‘important’ position? It’s purely a self-appointment, like the executives of Auroville Today, News&Notes, Auroville Radio, etc. Moreover, now Outreach Media is managed by One Executive – Fabienne. If the Auroville Foundation believes the damage caused by Fabienne is of extraordinary proportions with grave consequences for the outlook of India, on the international stage, by all means, it is in their purview to act, and they’ve done so, rightly, by asking her simply to move the assets. How come, outreach of Auroville is an unrestrained, unquestioned, unrelenting personal fiefdom of one individual? The 3 bodies ought to come together to decide on the whims and fancies of one person? Preposterous?
  3. Has the FAMC, as the mandated body responsible for managing assets of Auroville, been consulted and agreed to this decision?
    I personally think this point is valid. Funds and Assets Management Committee (FAMC), the relevant body under the Auroville Foundation, could have been kept in the loop. I am sure they would have collaborated, given the circumstances. After all, Sabine who worked in N&N was removed from executive-ship on some flimsy grounds, by the FAMC. So, there is precedent for FAMC to take action. 

Having mentioned the above, the main assets of Outreach Media are not some computers and cameras. It is the connections that Outreach Media has carefully cultivated over many years as an official voice of Auroville, and Fabienne as the face of it. The media, world over, is buying Fabienne’s story because the media thinks she is Auroville’s voice. When Fabienne sends distress calls to her email lists asking for the world to help against the so-called ‘high-handed’ external force named Government of India, the individuals who truly care about Auroville believe it and the media finds it lucrative. 
I find the second email by Fabienne, wherein she refuses to comply to the request, even more worrisome. She mentions she’s ‘charged’ with managing the Outreach Media on behalf of the Residents’ Assembly of Auroville. I think it is a false claim, or else, I am happy to read the note that corroborates her position. She then goes on to talk about the ‘Jurisdiction’, which by definition means ‘the official power to make legal decisions and judgements’. I don’t think 19(2)(b) – in haste she read it as 19(b) – mentions anything being under direct jurisdiction of RA. The section 19 of AVF Act enumerates the ‘Functions of the Residents’ Assembly’, it is not the ‘right’ ‘power’ or ‘legal means’ in any sense. The 19(2) says ‘In particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing powers, the Residents‟ Assembly may-‘ and (b) says ‘organise various activities relating to Auroville’ not sure where she got her facts from. Whereas, section 17 of AVF explicitly mentions ‘Powers and functions of the Governing Board’ and 17(d) mentions ‘to monitor and review the activities of Auroville and to secure proper management of the properties vested in the Foundation under section 6 and other properties relatable to Auroville’ based on which Auroville Foundation is duly and ‘lawfully’ acting, given the mismanagement of assets.
In the 3rd para of her second letter, she mentions ‘As such, the FAMC of the RA is the authority that is charged with the duty and power over all funds and assets of Auroville…’, and again it’s a misreading of the facts. The FAMC is mandated with some functions, it is not ‘the authority’ and it does not have ‘power’ over all funds and assets. In fact, FAMC performs under the Governing Board of Auroville Foundation and the Under Secretary is also part of the FAM Committee. In the final para, she suggests the Auroville Foundation to ‘apply to the FAMC seeking clearance or any other permission’. Her defiance gives a feeling, she believes the Auroville Foundation is under the ‘authority’ of FAMC. After going through her emails, having seen the glaring gaps in her understanding of Auroville Foundation Act and misreadings about ‘powers’ and ‘authority’, I wonder what other misinformations have we been spreading out in previous years. 
Given the confrontational attitude presented in Fabienne’s email to everyone, it’s clear she is taking the request from Auroville Foundation personally, rather than thinking of the collective good. I sincerely hope she lets the new volunteers, Joel and Sindhuja, work at par with her. I hope she uses her power positively and productively. To make things clear, the Auroville Foundation is not taking over the Outreach Media. They simply asked other willing volunteers from the community, who are not trigger-happy and are better restrained in the actions, to manage it. 
Thank you for your attention and time. I request each one of you to take the pains to be aware of the alternate thoughts and underlying motivations, and support actions which helps in the progress of Auroville, instead of PAUSING Auroville.