A response to the ‘Disturbing Developments’ letter from AVI regarding the progress in Auroville

AWARE Auroville-Knowware-Organisation-AVI-Featured-Response to AVI to UNESCO

Your Excellency Madame Azoulay,

Greetings from Auroville, the City of Human Unity. I am Lakshay Dharan, an Aurovilian and convenor of AWARE Auroville, writing to share my perspective on the letter recently sent by Auroville International (AVI) regarding what they described as “disturbing developments” in our community. AVI letter is in the attachment.

Let me begin by addressing the title of their letter—’Disturbing Developments.’ What AVI refers to as disturbing, I see as long-overdue changes that are vital for Auroville’s future. These reforms aim to revive the original vision of Auroville, which has been stalled for decades by a group prioritizing their own interests over the community’s collective progress. AVI, while representing individuals who are deeply connected to Auroville’s ideals from afar, has unfortunately become aligned with those who have resisted these positive changes. Instead of supporting the transformative developments taking place, AVI has, knowingly or unknowingly, encouraged opposition and provoked conflicts through court cases and public dissent. These actions delay progress under the guise of protecting Auroville’s ideals.

As a factual correction, UNESCO has passed six resolutions supporting Auroville’s mission, not five. These resolutions reflect a shared vision of a City dedicated to Human Unity and progress—goals that, regrettably, have been obstructed by a small yet influential group within Auroville. For far too long, a select few families have treated Auroville as their personal estate, controlling land, financial assets, and resources in ways that benefit them personally. This has stifled the growth of Auroville, preventing newcomers and volunteers from contributing to the vibrant and inclusive community we all aspire to build. It is time for Auroville to break free from this inertia and move forward.

In the last 50 years, around 30,000 volunteers and newcomers have attempted to make Auroville their home, but due to constraints imposed by a small group of powerful families and their supporters, Auroville has remained limited to just over 2,000 residents. These restrictions have led to a severe shortage of housing, social infrastructure, and economic opportunities, deliberately limiting Auroville’s potential. AVI’s recent letter, which protests new developments such as housing projects, only serves to further this stagnation. The resistance to accommodating more Aurovilians reflects a fear of losing control, not a genuine concern for Auroville’s future.

The reforms initiated over the past three years, far from being destructive, are essential to Auroville’s growth. They are grounded in the founding vision of Auroville, as outlined in the Galaxy Plan—a blueprint designed to manifest the City of Human Unity. Yet, for over five decades, this plan has been systematically ignored by those who fear progress, or worse, by those who stand to lose from it. Now, for the first time in years, we are seeing real steps being taken to realize this vision.

Unfortunately, these efforts have been met with resistance in various forms—boycotts, media campaigns, divisive tactics, and a slew of court cases. The secretary, who has been spearheading these necessary reforms, has faced particular opposition. In one unforgettable moment, I witnessed her public humiliation during a gathering of about 1,000 people. This treatment was not just a personal attack on her, but a reflection of the larger issue—a vocal minority within Auroville that is more invested in maintaining the status quo than in seeing Auroville evolve. The secretary, a senior IAS officer, has only been working to align Auroville’s development with its founding vision, and her efforts–however human–deserve respect, not vilification.

This small group continues to use various tactics to halt progress. Their portrayal of these reforms as reckless is a deliberate attempt to protect their hold on Auroville. They’ve gone as far as labeling those who support change as “collaborators,” fostering division through social banishment  and economic punishment. If we were in any other part of the world, such extremist actions would have serious consequences. The temporary visa revocations of a few individuals who have actively resisted Auroville’s progress should be seen as a gentle reminder that no one is above the collective interests of this unique initiative.

The letter from AVI paints a distorted picture of the situation on the ground. They claim that legitimate residents’ groups are being sidelined, but in reality, these so-called “elected” bodies have long been controlled by the same families who rotate power among themselves. The so-called elections they hold are a farce, with a predetermined outcome to maintain their grip on power. For decades, these families have excluded others from decision-making and hoarded resources, undermining any attempt to bring in fresh voices and ideas. Their so-called ‘elections’ are totally rigged and disturbingly pre-determined. You can look at their recent results—out of 700 voters, 695 in favor (includes minors), 4 abstained, and 1 voted against, in the City of 2400 registered residents. This makes it obvious that the majority of residents don’t even participate in this charade.

Regarding the land outside Auroville’s 20 sq. km boundary, it’s there for exchange purposes only. If anyone wants a better exchange deal, they should participate rather than boycott. The vacuum created by boycotting only benefits middlemen looking to profit from division.

The narrative about the “unnecessary destruction of trees” is false. The Galaxy Plan has been in place since the inception of Auroville. The City plan covers only 1/4th of the total area, and moreover 50% of that City space is designated as green. The claim that the plan doesn’t account for ecological concerns or the region’s environment is a deliberate misrepresentation meant to stall progress. More than 80% of overall Auroville will forever remain green, as per the plan. All the hue and cry is about the attempts to manifest the parts of the City in the less 20% part of Auroville. The opposition to these changes stems not from a genuine concern for the environment but from an entrenched resistance to any progress that would make Auroville more inclusive and thriving.

The accusation that unfavorable measures are affecting Tamil Aurovilians is yet another colonial tactic designed to divide and rule. As a Tamilian myself, I can see through this scam. The suggestion that the North Indian Government is against Tamil interests is a disgraceful attempt to stoke historic tensions and pit locals against Auroville’s progress. If anything, we should be working to bridge these gaps, not widen the gulf for the benefit of a few families. This is counterproductive to our collective goals.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of AVI’s letter is its appeal to protect individuals who are actively working against Auroville’s progress. Those who have consistently undermined Auroville’s mission should indeed face the consequences of their actions, including the reconsideration and reassessment of their visa status if they are foreign nationals. Auroville is a City dedicated to Human Unity and Progress, not a platform for divisive activism or the obstruction of collective goals.

AVI has historically played an important role in supporting Auroville, but its recent alignment with the resistant factions within our community is troubling. Funding from AVI to the divisive factions, if any, must stop immediately. Any attempt to restore the previous governance structure, which favored these colonial families, will be detrimental to Auroville’s future. I pray that the ongoing positive changes will lead to the complete decolonization of Auroville. I hope that AVI can realign itself with Auroville’s true aspirations and stop funding those who are actively stalling progress. I do not wish to see AVI entirely disengaged, but rather to see it support the positive changes that are essential for Auroville’s development, and not consider them ‘disturbing’.

In conclusion, Auroville is at a turning point, a churning moment, and the reforms of the past three years represent a crucial step towards fulfilling its true potential. The intention behind reforms that have been initiated is to bring us closer to the founding vision—a City of Human Unity, thriving in its diversity, and open to all who genuinely wish to contribute and collaborate. I urge UNESCO, and all of Auroville’s supporters around the world, to see these changes not as disturbances, but as the necessary steps towards a brighter, greater, truer future.

Auroville, “la ville de l’Aurore,” in which UNESCO has, like all of us, invested high hopes for a brighter future of mankind, needs humanity’s support. I hope UNESCO plays an active role in Auroville’s progress, helping us reach new lives from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Oceania, people who come with humility and humanity, rather than condescending and supremacist attitudes. These new Aurovilians will truly contribute to the Unity and Peace that Auroville stands for, and which the world sorely needs now. I can of course provide you with further information if required.

Let us move forward together, beyond old divisions, and work toward realizing Auroville’s true potential. Let Auroville be the Light that helps even the West come out of its darkness.

I trust that UNESCO, which has always stood by Auroville’s founding vision, will continue to support the positive changes that are now underway. These changes are not just necessary but essential to ensuring that Auroville becomes the vibrant, inclusive, and progressive City it was always meant to be—a true living embodiment of Human Unity.

Please join me in our collective aspirations for the continuation of these positive developments happening now. 

Yours sincerely,

Lakshay Dharan
Aurovilian and Convenor of AWARE Auroville

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