Minute Detail from Auroville

Minute Detail from Auroville

Misrepresentation, Manipulation, and Malpractices in Auroville. Unapproved “minutes,” questionable representation, and unethical actions spark controversy in Auroville.

This article uncovers the manipulation and power struggles threatening the ideals of Auroville’s organisation, and is in particular reference to this and this.

Auroville, as an experimental township designed for Human Unity and collective progress, has long been a place where ideals and reality of organisation converge. However, recent events have sparked controversies, multiple court cases, and media mudslingings are shaking these core principles. At the center of this current storm are two documents presented by Friendly Guy (name changed as the personality is inconsequential in our quest for Awareness), who led a small delegation of four people to meet with two Governors and members of the Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation. Following this meeting, FG released a public report labelled as the “minutes” of the meeting. This document presented as “minutes” has since opened some eyes, raised a few eyebrows and some critical questions – related to a host of moral, professional, and legal concerns. FG’s release of the so-called ‘minutes’ without any sign of approval or signatures from the two Governors involved not only calls into question the validity of the document but also highlights a broader issue of protocol breaches and misrepresentation in organisation matters related to Auroville.

The Difference Between ‘Notes’ and ‘Minutes’

At the outset, it’s crucial to differentiate between ‘notes’ and ‘minutes.’ Meeting minutes are formal records of what was discussed and decided during a meeting, signed and agreed upon by all relevant parties. The fact that these ‘minutes’ were not approved or signed by the Governors involved points to a glaring issue. The document should at best be considered as personal ‘notes’ or interpretations from the meeting, which lack the formal weight that approved minutes carry.

FG’ Meeting with the Home Minister – A Breach of Representation Protocol ?

By presenting them as ‘minutes,’ FG is engaging in an unethical misrepresentation. This action not only compromises the trust between the involved parties but also casts a shadow on the overall transparency of Auroville’s organisation structures. It is unprofessional and immoral to circulate unapproved ‘minutes’ as an official document, especially when they might be used to advance a personal or factional agenda.

One of the most glaring critiques in this episode centers around the fact that Friendly Guy met with the Indian Home Minister, ostensibly representing Auroville. This raises an immediate and pertinent question: Who is FG to represent Auroville in the power corridors of New Delhi?

It appears FG does not even reside in Auroville full-time, with his primary residence being in Pune. This fact alone disqualifies him from speaking on behalf of Auroville’s 2,600 residents. The Auroville Foundation Act explicitly outlines the chain of communication: Auroville residents are to be represented by the Working Committee, which works in close collaboration with the Secretary and the Governing Board. In turn, the Governing Board communicates with the Government of India.

For FG to circumvent this structure is a flagrant disregard of Auroville’s established organisation model. Is he using Auroville to gain access to powerful political figures, or worse, to elevate his personal standing in the Delhi power corridors? It begs the question: Why is the Indian government entertaining this breach of protocol?

A Larger Issue of Inequality and Colonial Hangover

This situation also exposes a deep-seated issue that India, despite its freedom, has not fully escaped – colonial hangover. The fact that an overseas resident, white French citizen was granted an audience with the Home Minister, while a dark-skinned, South Indian resident like myself would likely be denied similar access, is an uncomfortable reality that needs to be addressed in the power corridors of Bharat.

Are we, in modern-day Bharat, still so enthralled by foreign, white representatives that we overlook the legitimate structures set up by Indian law to manage places like Auroville? If I were to request a meeting with the Home Minister, would I be given the same consideration? The question itself reflects the uneven playing field that still exists between foreign nationals and Indian citizens in certain contexts and corridors.

It also forces us to ask whether FG is being used by the existing influential family structures as a tool to bypass or manipulate to control Auroville for personal gains and powers. The fact that FG has no official mandate to represent Auroville only exacerbates this issue. Moreover, Auroville is not a sovereign Vatican-like entity; it is bound by Indian law and operates under the oversight of the Government of India. So, why this oversight ?

The Lack of Transparency Regarding the Meeting with the Home Minister

Another troubling aspect of this situation is that there are no actual ‘minutes’ from FG’s meeting with the Home Minister. If no minutes exist, then why is there an attempt to frame a narrative (in the minutes of the meeting with Governors) based on this encounter? Could it be that the release of these unofficial ‘minutes’ serves a specific purpose—namely, to embarrass and corner the Governors who happen to be Governing Board members of Auroville, to act in a certain way?

If so, this is a political manoeuvre, not an effort to represent the real interests of Auroville residents.

FG and the ‘Influential Families’ of Auroville

Friendly Guy’s actions need to be viewed in the broader context of the power struggle and control of influential families in Auroville and the governing bodies that have been under constant attack. Over the last three years, the Secretariat, the Governing Board, and the Government of India have been relentlessly criticized by certain foreign factions in Auroville. Twenty-five cases have been filed against the Governing Board by the subservient Indians who religiously serve the influential foreign families, accusing them of being heavy-handed, authoritarian, and aligned with the so-called “RSS agenda” bracketed and boxed as a far-right nationalist group in India.

Given this backdrop, it is surprising that someone like FG, who represents a foreign faction that has constantly blamed the current government for promoting a Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) agenda, was granted an audience with the Home Minister. Why was this anti-Auroville individual given such privileged access, especially when the very people he represents have ridiculed and fought against the Government of India’s involvement in Auroville’s affairs?

The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy

FG was not alone in his meeting with the Governors. He was accompanied by four individuals, all handpicked for being South Indian. This move appears to be a colonial-style divide-and-conquer strategy, aimed at creating a wedge between North Indian and South Indian sentiments. By emphasizing regional differences, this faction hopes to maintain the status quo that benefits the influential foreign families of Auroville.

One of the attendees, for instance, is known to hold ~30 acres of land in Auroville in the name of a ‘forest.’ The land could easily be valued between ₹60-₹100 crores. If a few trips to meet high-level officials in the government can safeguard these resources, the motivation is clear: greed in the name of green.

An Appeal to the Governors and the Governing Board

In light of these disturbing developments, I appeal to the Governors and Governing Board to take immediate action to restore trust and transparency in Auroville’s organisation structures. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Appoint Passionate and Aligned Officials: The Auroville Secretariat must be staffed by individuals who understand and are committed to the ideals of Auroville. Appointing bureaucrats who see this as just another job will reduce the Secretariat to a government machinery, devoid of the spirit that Auroville embodies.
  2. Reevaluate Visa Policies: The X Visa should not become a shield for foreigners who treat Auroville as an exotic retirement home or business hub. Those who fail to live by the Auroville Charter and Indian law should have their visas reconsidered. Auroville is not a Vatican for Westerners to exploit. Visa applications should be reviewed equitably, without giving preference to Western applicants over Africans, Asians, or South Americans. Western arrogance must no longer be given a free pass.
  3. Tackle Corruption and Securing Auroville Lands: If corruption exists, immediate steps must be taken to address it. However, this should not come at the cost of abandoning efforts to secure Auroville’s lands. We must expedite the process of securing the remaining 2000 acres necessary for Auroville’s planned development. Given the rapid pace of private development and internal encroachment, it is imperative to secure the remaining land. To achieve this, we must implement foolproof Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to prevent future corruption and ensure transparency in all our operations. Furthermore, we should prioritize the acquisition of the remaining 60 acres within the 5 sq km city area. This land should be secured by Auroville Day on February 28, 2025. To facilitate this process, we can explore land exchange options with neighboring landowners. Our outlying lands, totaling 1100 acres, can be leveraged as a resource for these exchanges. By taking decisive action and prioritizing transparency, we can protect Auroville’s land, maintain our ethical standards, and ensure a sustainable future for our community.

A Call for Continuity and Realignment

Finally, the release of these so-called ‘minutes’ is not just a breach of protocol, it is an affront to the very idea and ideals of Auroville. FG’s actions, from misrepresenting the meeting to his personal encounter with the Home Minister, represent a deeper issue of inequality, privilege, and organisation failures in Auroville. As a conscious collective, we must uphold the highest ethical standards and take immediate action to address such instances of corruption and control. We must not tolerate lies, deceit, or falsehoods within our community. It is time for Auroville to stand up for its principles of equality and unity, and not allow vested interests to hijack its Future.

Lakshay Dharan

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