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About Sri Aurobindo INVOCATION
The Gnostic Festival

This year marks the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and we wish to invoke His presence and His words within our hearts and minds. For us, this milestone is an occasion also to reach out to a wider audience and offer them glimpses of His Light.

The entire month of August, we’re observing the anniversary of Sri Aurobindo with an event called ‘Invocation – The Gnostic Festival’. An Invocation to various aspects of Sri Aurobindo – the revolutionary, the poet, the seer, the guide, and most importantly to the future.

As this year’s 15th August also marks 75 years of India’s independence, we’re invoking Sri Aurobindo’s 5 Dreams for a New India. He wrote them for the eve of our independence, and they were broadcast on Air India, Thiruchirapalli, in 1947. He enunciated His 5 Dreams for India, yet their significance reaches beyond her borders. He dreamt about a United India, an Asian Resurgence, a World Union, a Spiritual Gift, and Self Perfection.

About the 15th of August, Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1926:

‘…we have attached a special importance to this day and it is justified if we live in the light of the Truth it symbolises. For this day we can fix a mark in the stage in the individual and general progress. It is a day which ought to be a day of consecration, of self-examination and a preparation for future advance, if possible, for the reception of a special Power which would carry on the work of advance.

This can only be done in each individually if he takes up the true attitude and lives on that day under the right conditions…’

Thus this event is planned not as grand celebrations, but rather as a reminder and a means to come together or go inwards through programmes related to Concentration, Convention, Collaboration, as well as Cultural and Casual gatherings.

The majority of programmes will take place at Matrimandir, Bharat Nivas, Savitri Bhavan, Unity Pavilion, Town Hall, and various other locations in Auroville.

We invite you to take this month as an occasion to invoke His presence in you, and in our lives. Also, we welcome your presence and participation in the programmes aimed at a collective invocation.

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For the opening of the year of Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary, we welcome everyone to come for practice sessions, as often as you can, to form the large body of beautiful voices carrying the mantra. Your aspiration, presence and participation is sure to enhance the joy and beauty of this very special occasion.



For the opening of the year of Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary, all Aurovillians are invited to sing Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri Mantra with the sunrise on 15th August 2021,
following the lighting of the dawn fire and meditation at the Matrimandir Amphitheater. Everyone present that morning will be invited to join in this collective INVOCATION The melody chosen is that of Sunil-da, an eminent composer and lovingly known as the Mother’s musician in the Ashram.

We welcome all Aurovillians to come for practice sessions, as often as you can, to form the large body of beautiful voices carrying the mantra. Your aspiration, presence and participation is sure to enhance the joy and beauty of this very special occasion.

Practice sessions :

Every Sunday and Friday from 6.00 pm onwards

Venue: Matrimandir Amphitheatre

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Samskritam Auroville and Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary Celebration Team