to better the AWAREness
in Auroville.
Auroville is a city in the making. The vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is its raison d’être. It is a very specific place, far different and not to be confused with the many ‘eco-villages’ and intentional or alternative communities that exist on the planet.
Many people over the years have voluntarily offered their energy and some of them have stayed or come back to live for life. To come to Auroville as a volunteer implies that you somehow resonate with the City’s aims and ideals; and that you are ready to give your energy to its various projects and services and take part in its development.
AWARE will help you with just the right environment for your interest, skill, and temperament in communication. It offers opportunities for all kinds of projects and activities – ranging from writing to managing a campaign to helping fundraise or working for an Auroville event. We have identified many themes and topics in Auroville and we research and document them in multiple media formats. For more volunteering opportunities, please visit SAVI.
If you wish to contribute through other means please visit www.awareauroville.com/contribute