Spreading AWAREness
is a great service
towards Auroville.
We request the willing servitors of Auroville to contribute to AWAREauroville.com, which is the voice of the residents of Auroville. If you’re an Aurovilian or Newcomer, you can contribute immensely to Auroville by working with AWARE.
AWARE is an important initiative in Auroville that works to promote purpose, education, and awareness about the community’s values and goals. The AWARE team does important work, including content creation, organizing campaigns, educational workshops, and various other programs that help both Aurovilians and visitors to the community.
One way to support the important work of AWARE is to contribute your articles to the website, AWAREauroville.com. By contributing to the website, you can help spread awareness about Auroville, in the Auroville community and beyond.
By sharing your point of view, the world as a whole will come to know the pulse of our society and learn from struggles and successes. By working together, we can reach out and touch the souls waiting to be aware of Auroville and contribute towards a new Future for the world. For more information, please write to aware@auroville.org.in.