Guardians of Earth and Water: Auroville’s Environmental Initiatives

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Environment-Earth & Water-Featured-Guardians of Earth and Water, Auroville's Environmental Initiatives

Auroville, the international township nestled in the serene landscapes of Tamil Nadu, stands as a testament to environmental stewardship and sustainability. In this article, we delve into Auroville’s unwavering commitment to preserving and managing the earth and water resources, exemplifying the values of sustainable living.

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The Heart of Decision-Making: Residents’ Assembly in Auroville

AWARE Auroville-Affairs-Organisation-Residents' Assembly-Featured-The Heart of Decision-Making, Residents' Assembly in Auroville

At the heart of Auroville’s unique approach to governance lies the Residents’ Assembly, a dynamic body that shapes policies, fosters community dialogue, and embodies the spirit of participatory decision-making. In this article, we explore the significance of the Residents’ Assembly in Auroville and how it plays a pivotal role in guiding the community’s direction.

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